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单词 commute 例句大全,用单词commute造句:

Here, three Santas forego their sleighs in favor of an underground commute.
这里, 三个圣诞老人抛弃他们得雪橇, 使用地铁通行。
Here, three Santas forego their sleighs in favor of an underground commute.
But, it's rather a far place to commute from, it takes 1 hour by subway, huh?
People are prepared to commute long distances if they are desperate for work.
No matter how you commute, you can always take advantage of the time you have.
Moreover, he has the right to pardon, mitigate, or commute criminal sentences.
If you enjoy your commute, happiness will spill over into how you fell at work.
Regular train travellers may commute a single monthly payment for daily tickets.
Commute height period of time, autocycle team almost excessive arrived on footpath.
In this paper, a software approach to realize phase detect and commute are designed.
The commute is an essential buffer between breakfast and the first email of the day.
I like the house, but theres a fly in the ointment I have to commute so far to work.
我喜欢那套房子, 但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远。
By far the best way of incorporating exercise into the working day is on the commute.
With these principles in mind, Obama should commute Pollards sentence to time served.
There's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute.
And he had to commute on the coolest set of wheels available a bicycle called the Phoenix.
而且, 他必须有当时最酷的交通工具一辆凤凰牌自行车。
Memorial Day evening and Im prepping the bike for tomorrows commute. Tires topped off check.
阵亡将士纪念日那天晚上, 我为第二天出行检查自行车。
Think about potential improvements during transition times, such as when you commute to work.
在过渡时间内比如乘车上班时, 想想潜在的改进办法。
MICHAEL We do everything as a twosome, from sharing our commute to working out to eating lunch.
Police patrols will be strengthened in order to protect children during their commute to school.
The train and subway in Tokyo convey thousands of people who commute from home to workplace eveday.
Kris Beard, Sajes mother, said even some of their rural neighbors find her daughters mule commute unusual.
The further you commute the more you are likely to earn, new figures the Office for Nationl Statistics reveal.
统计局一项新数据显示, 上班行程越远挣钱越多。
It’s a long commute from my house to the office, but living in the suburbs is well worth it. Cleaner air, cheaper housing and you can actually see the stars in the sky.
It is estimated that the 8,000 people who will commute to work in Copenhagen will pay Danish taxes, yet send their children to school, visit the hospital and call the fire department in Sweden.

单词 commute 释义

  • 单词释义:通勤;〈法〉减刑  [更多..]



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