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单词 compassion 例句大全,用单词compassion造句:

The lesson of compassion Give aid freely, but do not diminish the one who receives it.
As polarity ceases the belief in light and dark ceases and love and compassion is born.
The practice of loving kindness and compassion is very practical and easy to accomplish.
To do things that have no benefit for others is not the practice of love and compassion.
A little compassion is both seed for cultivating virtue and root for accumulating merits.
一点慈悲, 不但是积德种子, 也是积福根苗。
He's here teaching about love and compassion but he endorses human atrocities, basically.
An effortless compassion can arise for all beings who have not realized their true nature.
你会对那些还没有证悟真性的人, 自然地生起慈悲心。
But God sees the tender compassion for other sufferers which is finding birth in your soul.
But the conditions for compassion to be activated, to be aroused, are particular conditions.
但慈悲 被触发 被鼓励的条件 都是特殊情况
Yet complaints help foster compassion and patience, and criticism often holds golden advice.
怨言之下有慈忍, 批评之中藏金玉。
Not pretend to be weak to win sympathy, compassion compassion that thin, fragile than paper.
A pure heart understands compassion, however it does not equate compassion with codependence.
一个纯净的心灵了解同情, 但是它不是相互依赖的同情。
It'stirred a deep compassion in his heart for the physically afflicted and troubled in spirit.
I will show you compassion so that he will have compassion on you and restore you to your land.
Pity and compassion are words appropriated to signify our fellow ? feeling with the sorrow of others.
His eyes, facial expressions, and tone of voice revealed an attitude of compassion, not condemnation.
他的眼睛, 表情, 声音都表现出他的怜悯, 而非定罪。
Compassion allows the light in, allows the remembering of the deeper reality of the metaprogram of love.
怜悯心让光流入, 让爱的元编程深层实相记忆进入。
I want to share this with you, because of love, because of compassion, and because of trust and honesty.
我希望与大家分享 因为爱 因为同情 也因为信任和诚实
Understanding, trust, compassion, acceptance, and support are not the solution, not blaming our partners.
The practice of love and compassion is primarily related to the mental attitude that comes from one's heart.
We learn compassion from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and singleminded concentration from Great Strength Bodhisattva.
学观世音菩萨的慈悲, 学大势至菩萨的专一。
We are talking about genuine compassion, sincerely for the benefit of others, not for the purpose of deceptive show.
真正的慈悲是发自内心利益他人, 而不是以作秀为目的。
Nanchang charitable president of national association Chen Shaoxiang briefed the compassion salvage operation situation.
We all have the potential to attain Buddhahood and everyone is capable of learning the same great compassion of the Buddha.
人人都有成佛的机会, 人人也都能学得与佛相同的悲悯心
compassion thoughtfulness sympathy benevolence kindheartedness forbearance attentiveness accommodation kindness respect concern kindliness
照顾, 关心, 体谅, 体恤

单词 compassion 释义



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