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单词 company 例句大全,用单词company造句:

Not far from here, in a company apartment. Does your company provide you with accommodations
我住在离这里不远的员工住宅, 你们公司提供住宿吗?
Sometimes shipping company or insurance company is searched to be responsible for the claim.
有时间, 船自己搞或保险自己搞应负责赔偿。
The branches shall take the form of a subsidiary company, branch company, or business office.
It is reported that the Sharon company is also an established brand commercial movie company.
据悉, 沙龙公司也是一家老牌商业电影公司。
Actually, the buildup of company image force, the heart brings company profit like that rise.
实际上, 企业形象力的增强, 心然带来企业利润的提高。
Allan holds an office in the American biggest weapon manufacture company Christian era company.
Rambert Dance Company was established in 1926. It is Britain s dance company with long histoty.
Using a limited company will limit liability to a creditor to the value of the limited company.
I am working as an office administrator in a small company by the name of Times Trading Company.
The company awarded him a golden medal for recognition of his huge contributions to the company.
When a company dissolves, the company shall cancel its registration in accordance with the law.
Vindicate the benefit of the company. Keep good image of the company. Reduce cost of the project.
维护公司利益, 注意公司形象, 降低项目成本。
Between this Apple Company and the black raspberry company's tangled warfare is actually splendid!
For many years our company has spread the company by the technical backing, independent innovation.
多年来博驰公司以技术依托, 自主创新。
A company can only have one domicile which has been registered by the company registration authority.
In the future, suo Ni company will give Toshiba company the package outside chip production business.
Our company is a specialized collection family installs, the male attire in a bodys decoration company.
The company uses investment billion dollar every year at improving the energy efficiency of the company.
The company changes to control medium company and be bought, it is a kind of means that asset recombines.
The company commander has received order from the General Staff that his company would move to the front.
Ago, Remy Martin is the only company to adopt even the residue of the distillation process cognac company.
Company sincere friends to welcome the community to contact the company guidance, a total exhibition race.
The aggregate amount of Bonds of the company does not exceed forty per cent of the net assets of the company
The agreement that the debt before company component reachs by place is assumed by the company after schism.
The Discussion on the Combination of the Luanzhou Mining Business Company and Kaiping Mining Business Company

单词 company 释义

  • 单词释义:公司;商号;剧团;连队;陪伴;宾客;在一起的一群人  [更多..]



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