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单词 concede 例句大全,用单词concede造句:

Both men persisted in their own opinions and neither would concede.
两个人各执己见, 相持不下。
Hence the devil have toed to concede, lose to her the whole rights.
The team did not concede a goal and this is an important step ahead.
The lawyer refused to concede that the two cases were at all similar.
After losing this decisive battle, the general was forced to concede.
The defeated side had to concede some of their territory to the enemy.
In a speech to supporters, Mrs Clinton refused to concede the election.
而在对支持者的演讲中, 希拉里拒绝提前承认失败。
Dan Rezhen manages to know already, I am half pace also not of concede.
但若真理既知, 我是半步也不退让的。
Myers was forced to concede that competition had badly affected profits.
Even in extreme moments, the calf did not concede. Neither did his herd.
哪怕是在最危急的时刻, 小牛和它的家族也没有丝毫退让。
Although they had suffered heavy losses, they refused to concede defeat.
虽然他们已遭受惨重损失, 但还是不肯认输。
But the board is not willing to concede that outcome, Mr. Whitacre said.
惠特克先生表示, 但董事会不愿意承认这一可能的结果。
Even government critics, however, concede that peace is better than war.
然而, 连政府评论家也承认和平毕竟要好过战争。
This price is already at our bottom line, and we can't concede any more.
Even the staterun media and tennis officials appear to concede the point.
Her tenacious confrontation eventually forces the authorities to concede.
After the war, the country was forced to concede a lot of their territory.
Although them had suffered heavy losses, them refemploy to concede defeat.
Some Republicans privately concede Mr Obama's position may be impregnable.
Each side wishes to concede only what can be conceded without loss of face.
It is a great pity to concede these eight areas, but it is better to do so.
Normally when we concede an early goal, our team has an immediate reaction.
我们丢了一个球, 我们得球队马上有了反应。
We cannot concede any of our territory, ie allow another country to have it.
But you don't have to be that jealous to concede that it's hard work. Right?
但是你不需要那么嫉妒 才会承认嫉妒的确不容易,对吧?
Even the presidents harshest critics usually concede he is personally austere.

单词 concede 释义

  • 单词释义:承认;让步;认输;授予(权利、特权)  [更多..]



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