Their presence in the consultation suite is a result of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
他们对咨询室的光顾 是被厄运打击的结果。
Investment Advisory, economic information consultation and act as purchasing agency tickets, tickets.
Research and Improvement of the Arrangement and Consultation in Acronym of Phonetic Alphabetical Order
Additionally, for further research and consultation, Tang Sunzhi's simple chronicle is attached below.
另外,为研究之需和查阅之便,特附唐顺之简易年谱 于后。
Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.
Stefan North, said the cabinet reshuffle will be the president after consultation with political parties.
The two countries have maintained close consultation and coordination in bilateral and multilateral areas.
China is ready to promote the consultation process to ensure the birth of the commission within this year.
中方愿推动磋商进程, 确保委员会于年内成立。
The Home Affairs Bureaus consultation paper may mislead the public as it is silent about this restriction.
The Foundation and Significance of Carrying Out Originality Evaluation Consultation in Collegiate Libraries
Chronic central cyanosis in a child constitutes an indication for consultation of a paediatric cardiologist.
If consultation fails, the administrative body immediately over the two parties shall designate jurisdiction.
协商不成的, 由它们的共同上一级行政机关指定管辖。
The Study on Expert Consultation System for the Bark Bettles Toted by Imported Wood and Its Primary Application.
This time graduation design is a some management consultation company design of management consultation website.
According to the conclusions of this study, comments adult females for practical consultation and future research.
International enrollment management consultation, engineering construct industry ministry assistant general manager.
国际注册管理咨询师, 伯明翰大学工商管理硕士。
Contracts for the transportation of goods shall be concluded between the shipper and the carrier through consultation.
Lower awareness on TB and financial problem were the main causes why symptomatic had not present clinical consultation.
有症状后, 因警觉性低及经济困难未就诊。
exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs
政治协商, 民主监督, 参政议政
Consultation Paper on Proposal To Set Up A Qualifications Framework And The Associated Quality Assurance Framework In Hong Kong
They agreed that the Tripartite Committee would make its decisions in line with the principle of consensus through consultation.
This document was attached to the reply received from Costa Rica and is available for consultation at the Department for Disarmament Affairs.
The full texts of the submissions and additional information attached thereto are available for consultation at the Office for Disarmament Affairs.
Importance should be attached to the effects and influence of the suggestions proposed by CAS Members to the consultation work of the Academic Divisions
Whenever you arrive in our Special Consultation Clinic to see doctors you will receive the services of high quality to call your needs and satisfactions.