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单词 construction 例句大全,用单词construction造句:

The Ministry of Construction has ordered that all the projects which violate rules should stop construction.
The Form of Construction Work of Simple Three Beams in the Construction of the Precut Prestressing Force Deck
The branch cable covers less construction area, which benefits for effectively using of the construction area.
A Kind of Construction Way of Intersection Construction in the Course of Dismantling and Constructing a Bridge
Construction features of a super long water conveyance tunnel project with large cross section in construction.
Reformulation of Construction Organization and Type Selection of Shield Machine for Beijing Subway Construction
Design and construction documents were completed in June2003 and bids for construction invited in the same month.
Combining the construction practice, the article introduces the construction method of arch box suspension hanging.
结合工程实例, 介绍拱箱悬索吊装施工方法。
Conversion beam is under construction to prepare in response to the dint to pull the pole's design and construction
Influence of Winning Bid with Imbalance Quotation on Construction Cost and Its Prevention by Construction Supervision
The application of transverse shift of centering to bridge construction is introduced based on construction practice.
The Significance of Construction of Civilized and Organism's Circle to the Construction of Town Planning in Our country
Primary Analysis on One Significant Failure to Discuss about Units to Be Planned for Construction and under Construction
The Significance and Strategy of the Identity Construction in the Moral Community Construction in Vocational High School.
Suggestion on strengthening base construction of sugar beet industrialization in Xinjiang production and construction corp
Economic construction and cultural construction are like two wheels of a vehicle, supporting and complementing each other.
The movable support used in the construction of the box girder of the bridge approach of Fuzhou Bridge and its construction
Acting on the procedure of capital construction means a lot to the qua lity and investment effect of a construction project.
Seize the Opportunity to Promote College Construction through its Assessment and Impel its Library Construction and Development
Class spirit is the foundation of the school spirit, and the class construction is the important content of the school construction.
Construction Technology for Active Underpinning of Pile Foundations with Huge Axial Forces Applied in Construction of Overlapping Tunnels
We are committed to carrying out settlement audit for construction engineering and calculating the construction cost impartially and fairly.
对建设工程进行决算审计, 公正公平地确定工程造价。
This building will invest the construction by ten thousand heir apparent livestock, will be the Shanghai earliest lanai type apartment construction.
To Strengthen the Party Construction and Ideological Work of Higher Learning Institution in the Way of Party Construction Guiding League Construction
However, the shipping administration authority at the port of construction shall be the competent authority in charge of the registration of mortgage of the ship during construction.
但建造中船舶之抵押权登记, 以建造地航政机关为主管机关。

单词 construction 释义

  • 单词释义:建造(方式);施工;建筑(物);结构;创立;解释  [更多..]



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