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单词 common 例句大全,用单词common造句:

These are based largely an common common core, but also existing california California standards.
这些不仅主要基于公共核心, 还有加利福尼亚现存的标准。
Acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix is the most common surgical lesion within the abdomen.
阑尾的急性炎症, 是最常见的外科腹部病变。
This paper introduces two kinds of methods about machining abnormal shape roller with common lathe.
We need not endorse the semiauthoritarian regime to search for a common language and common ground.
The claims of a creditor that abandons the priority right to repayment shall be taken as common claims.
clinical features common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, with or without fever.
The annexation of a small country by a big one or of a big country by a small one is a common occurrence.
大并小, 小并大的事都是常有的。
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and the most common cause of microcytic anaemia.
Common practice Whose practice Isn't follow the order of signature Instrument of Surrender common practice
惯例, 这是谁定的惯例?受降书签字顺序不是惯例吗?
In this new era, China and Mexico share more common aspirations and shoulder more common responsibilities.
新形势下, 中墨拥有更多共同诉求, 肩负更多共同责任。
The most common medically unexplained ones are fatigue, back pain, headache and abdominal pain, doctors say.
Accelerate the flowers, trees and common grasses recover from the dormancy, abbreviate the period of wilt.
Let us handhand advance, common development and common prosperity, altogether will create the glorious future!
让我们携手前进, 共同发展, 共同繁荣, 共创美好未来!
In the developed world, gallstone disease is the most common abdominal illness requiring admission to hospital.
The most common clinical presentations were tarry stools, abdominal mass, abdominal pain and symptoms of ileus.
主要临床表现为柏油样便, 腹部包块, 腹痛和肠梗阻症状。
On common problems of smoke abatement and evacuation facility in high civil architecture and its countermeasures
Results The most common clinical manifestations were abdominal distension, growing and palpable abdominal mass.
The Significance of Isthmus Concealed Entrainment in the Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Common Atrial Flutter.
Commuters that live near each other and share a common destination form the simplest and most common carpool arrangement.
The research aimed to study the relations between three common freshwater fishes common carp, bighead carp and Wuchang fish.
We should focus on our common interests rather than sacrificing the development of the common market for individual interests.
The common rail fuel injection system can be divided into the medium pressure common rail system and the high pressure common rail system.
Even though scientific knowledge is vast and microscopic, it is still an extension of common sense, lying at the same insole with common sense in the same layer.
Deafness is not only a common disease, but also a refractory disease in otolaryngology department. Hearing impairment became the most common of all kinds of disable in China.
Sometimes dignity is not easy to achieve. It can be abandoned for some benefits or be an undeserved reputation. In general, common people are enthusiastic about angling for fame and honor.

单词 common 释义

  • 单词释义:常见的;共有的;共同的;普通的;平凡的;众所周知的;粗俗的  [更多..]



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