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单词 confirmation 例句大全,用单词confirmation造句:

So, pls find herewith attached the relevant inspection booking form for yr kindly confirmation.
If you think tihs offer is acceptable to you , please cable us immediately for our confirmation.
如果你可以接受这个订单, 请立刻于我们联系。
The Confirmation of the Receipts Tax, Sales Tax of the Value Added Tax and Accounting Treatment.
A confirming bank may extend its confirmation to an amendment and will it advises the amendment.
但是, 保兑行可以选择将修改通知受益人而不对其加具保兑。
If you thought this offer were acceptable to you, please cable us immediately for our confirmation.
如贵方认为此发盘可接受, 请即来电以便我方确认。
Is overtime verified in an appropriate manner such as requesting client confirmation of completion?
We will send the confirmation the subscription and the password after we have accepted your payment.
当付款被确认, 本研究院将附上订阅确认通知及登入密码。
The award of the arbitrators shall be final and binding, subject to neither appeal nor confirmation.
Bridge Solar must inform the Distributor 30 days in advance of the price adjustment for confirmation.
Confirmation of the Equivalent Frequency in Designing the Noise Abatement of Passenger Dedicated Lines
We have to receive a confirmation from our affiliate partner so there may be a delay of up to 8 weeks.
then the confirmation shall constitute the written instruction of the Engineer or delegated assistant.
Confirmation Letter and Walkathon Pass will be availabe to you upon confirmation of your registration.
报名经核实后, 本会将把确认通知信连同步行证一并发出。
Ticheting and labeling verify accurate ticketing of shoes and labeling of cartons against confirmation order
And to show the honestto this cooperate, we've attached our purchase order, please reply after confirmation.
为表示我司诚意, 附件即附上我司的订购单, 还请确认后回复。
the two sides should strictly abide by the confirmation of the provisions concerning the statute of limitation.
However, the excerpt with confirmation of fitting in accordance with regulations must be carried in the vehicle.
Assist engineer on packaging material sample work. Make samples with supplier, get confirmation from Towson, etc.
Science should be confirmation or falsification, but evolutionists always use defense in stead of confirmation.
Patients with Legionnaires disease always require antibiotic treatment, following laboratory confirmation of diagnosis.
在化验确诊之后, 军团病患者无例外地需要抗生素治疗。
After registration confirmation, you can choose print confirmation letter or save confirmation letter to your computer.
保养服务登记成功后会有一封确认信, 请选择列印及存档。
Nomination for the Award can be made at any time subject to written justification and confirmation of such achievements.
只要成就被书面证实和确认, 任何时候都可提名该奖。
After completes and after the photograph confirmation without any unmistakable, determined the address of posts place and sent out.
The figures had been circulating previously on Chinas rumour mill, but the report by CCTV appeared to be an official confirmation.
Since we are anxious to conclude this transaction with you, please inform us of your confirmation for this order as soon as possible.
我方急于与您达成交易, 故请尽快回信确认这一订单。

单词 confirmation 释义

  • 单词释义:证实,确认书;〈宗〉坚振礼  [更多..]



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