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单词 confident 例句大全,用单词confident造句:

We believe that special field accomplishment savours, accomplishment is confident.
In addition to users, Baidu's confident Haigen shopping behavior changes quietly on.
The truth is, there is a huge difference between being confident and being conceited.
I am confident that he will ably lead our deliberations on this important agenda item.
我相信, 他将精干地领导我们对这一重要议程项目的审议。
Comfy in My Own Skin I am a much more confident woman than I was even a few years ago!
She was anxious, but fairly confident that it would be a straightforward conversation.
她很焦虑, 但充满信心地认为这是个坦率的谈话。
Better be despised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too confident security.
Hezbollah is better armed and more confident now than it was before its war against Israel.
I am not confident that exponentialvariate distribution is genuinely an accurate model here.
Our English teacher wants us to feel confident about asking questions when we don't understand.
But how many of you would be able to make a confident assertion about a piece of classical music?
但是你们能对一段古典音乐表达一些 确定的描述吗?
And Im absolutely confident that America has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people.
我很自信, 美国年轻人将会是最好的使者。
It says that technology is a stylish accessory, and that you, as its owner, are stylishly confident.
它说它是一个现代的助手而你, 是它的主人。
The new administration is confident of rolling back the tide of unrest which is weeeping the country.
We are confident that, under your able leadership, we shall achieve the objectives of our deliberations.
Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverend than plausible, and more advised than confident.
New Words medium n. exchange v., n. load n. accept vt. realistic adj. grocery n. business n. confident adj.
I am confident that, under his able and wise guidance, this session will successfully accomplish its tasks.
我相信, 在他的干练和明智指导下, 本届会议将顺利完成任务。
Primus and China strategic have denied having mainland backing and are confident they will secure approval.
博智和中策均否认有陆资背景, 并表示有信心获批。
We are confident that your experience and knowledge will expedite the work of the General Assembly most effectively.
Sir Alex Ferguson is confident Louis Saha can find the goals to negate the absence of Ruud van Nistelrooy this season.
Many are confident we will eventually perfect the animal-human donation and the organ shortage will be solved for ever.
Like many of her neighbours, Fang Yueling, a farmer, was confident such highprofile promises would presage more assistance.
All my bosses said that I've been improved a lot with my singing, and saying that they are more confident with the new album.
老板们说我唱功进步了, 也说他们对这张专辑有更大的信心。
How do you approach or do you approach Grand Slams differently now, given what happened at Wimbledon last year? Are you much more confident or assured?

单词 confident 释义

  • 单词释义:坚信的;自信的;肯定的  [更多..]



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