Do not throw confetti, and Cashew Nut Shell does not litter bags.
The custom of throwing confetti however, does not come from Italy.
James was off the floor before the confetti could hit his shoulders.
You find 781 Neopoints, a Red Pteri Clacker, also a Bag of Confetti!
please do not spitting, pouring, disorderly throw confetti rind, etc.
请不要随地吐痰, 倒水, 乱抛果皮纸屑等。
The wedding guests were given confetti to fling at the bride and groom.
Have the kids decorate with crepe paper, confetti and hand made hearts.
On New Year's, we will have a countdown to midnight and throw confetti.
We are looking for a machine to production of paper garland and confetti.
我们正在寻找糖果机械的供应商, 请有货源者直接联系我们!
reveler s have more than three and a half tons of confetti dumped on them.
Her achievement had crowds flinging confetti and chanting in Iraqi streets.
More than a ton of confetti, little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd.
But the purple confetti fell again Thursday, this time with particular meaning.
但是就在星期四, 紫金王朝盛世再次降临, 此次意义非同一般。
You could have chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip top condition.
如果你是在巅峰状态的话, 我现在已经被你剁成碎片了。
When they came out of the church, the bride and groom were showered with confetti.
Some people have made the test match, after the fire still throwing confetti falling
有人作过测试, 火柴点燃后火苗依然
Carnival The Confetti and Gondola symbols are scatter symbols and can appear in any line.
The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of confetti thrown by the wedding guests.
To the outside of a throw, confetti with scraping fly immediately disappear without a trace.
到室外一抛, 纸屑立即随风刮飞不知去向。
When the celebrations took place I couldn't understand why they had to use so much confetti.
After the game, the fans got a shower of purple and gold confetti that dropped from the ceiling.
We account for confetti in school and do not spit, indiscriminate waste disposal, maintain clean campus.
Apparently tosses the contents of the cup at the audience, but there is a shower of confetti, instead.
Multicolored balloons and confetti float up into the sky, adding to the exciting atmosphere of the National Day festivities.
Due to city regulations and parish rules, the floors must be kept clean both inside and outside the church. Please do not throw confetti or spray anything.