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单词 comfortable 例句大全,用单词comfortable造句:

You are tired of adapting, psychologically, to a situation in which you are just not comfortable.
Front comfortable seats for 18 adjustment with memory function, Headrest electrically adjustable.
The moment you walk into Raphaels youll be surrounded by the cozy and comfortable ambiance there.
The vibration of micro vehicle rear axle main producer is one of main affecting comfortable factors.
Pane cloth, corduroy, striped cloth can create a kind of easy and comfortable and comfortable style.
Improving Comfortable Degree Of Indoor Environment At The Precondition Of Thermal Comfortable Degree
Tightness of the sticky buckle should accord with babys being comfortable when putting on the collar.
充气颈圈佩带时, 粘扣松紧应以宝宝舒适为宜。
Pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be recommended to keep your child comfortable.
Anyway,I started to carry less cash with me,for which I was still not so comfortable at the beginning.
Pane cloth, corduroy, handwoven cloth can create a kind of easy and comfortable and comfortable style.
However, if you do not feel comfortable using only first names, it is quite acceptable to be more formal.
不过, 你如果觉得直呼其名不好, 尽可用比较客气的称呼。
Comfortable ground comfortable tree can develop arboreous zoology benefit and economic benefits adequately.
Contract and eject the air of the insole , accelerate the air currency , keep the shoes clean and comfortable.
压缩排出鞋垫气体, 加速空气流通, 保持鞋子清爽。
The friends from all over the world, Marseille international apartment provide you a warm and comfortable home
Our company is ready to decorate your dwelling house so that it will appear to Be a warm and comfortaBle world.
Comfortable at dish box container, nacelle, tracery wall, window box and balcony help advance somebody's career.
Staying just as you are may not help you advance spiritually, but it certainly is comfortable in its familiarity.
New ankle pony boots style with well made wood wedge and aluminium horse iron. Comfortable shape for easy walking.
Other cultures have a more comfortable relationship with the deceased, and even commune with the spirits of ancestors.
Project leader should remind demonstrator to clarify answer when customer feel not comfortable on demonstrator's answer.
Passengers are ensconced in comfortable carriages that combine modern amenities with elegant meals and colonial-Asian decor.
The significance of youth depends on owning more courage than timid intention , as well as more adventure than happily comfortable life.
青春的意义在于勇气胜过怯意, 热衷冒险胜过乐于安逸。
And that was amazing. To be able to know that we had empowered that, and that blogging was something that she felt comfortable doing, and that.
这多么奇妙 我们让这成为可能 写博客让她很舒心
The users who have a trial generally reflect that ache feeling of pulling hair is weakened, and comfortable degree is improved after the epilation.
The social security system for employees who have left or retired from their posts is gradually established. Its purpose is to allow the elderly to live a comfortable, and peaceful life.

单词 comfortable 释义

  • 单词释义:舒适的;愉快轻松的;宽裕的;轻松领先的;自信的;(伤者)情况稳定的;无忧无虑的  [更多..]



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