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单词 comfort 例句大全,用单词comfort造句:

Good controls allow you to get the best of both comfort and economy at the same time.
Be concerned about the affairs of state before others, and enjoy comfort about others.
先天之忧而忧, 后天下之乐而乐。
Shifting from the quality and comfort point of view, the Accord has yet to be upgrade.
I very much enjoy and appreciate my large apartment and all the comfort it affords me.
The hotel was,from all accounts, well run asas the comfort of the guests was concerned.
New suspension for driving dynamics, in particular, ride comfort, optimized adjustment.
The hotel was, from all accounts, well run asas the comfort of the guests was concerned.
据报道, 就宾客的舒适程度来说, 这家宾馆管理得很好。
Equip your truck with wheel accessories for enhanced versatility, appearance and comfort.
Weve added vanilla extract to help calm and comfort baby. SLS, phthalate and parabenfree.
others heart palpitations, chest tightness, nausea, comfort and an acceptable degree.
the generals bask in comfort in the mountain fastness of Naypyidaw, their absurdist capital.
When aesthetic enjoyment upgrading to spiritual comfort, you have been a pioneer of fashion.
Fitting is an important process which directly affects the ride quality and comfort of a bike.
an ambiance of planned comfort while cruising the remote and enchanting islands of the tropics.
Can accurately respond to physical pressure, to provide care and support to redouble their comfort.
能准确回应身体压力, 提供加倍舒适呵护及承托。
comfort, all kinds of perceived outdoor comfort, ranging from very comfortable to very uncomfortable.
都有,各种的户外舒适 从非常 舒服到非常 不舒服
Therefore, it is very actual value to carry out the research of outdoor environmental thermal comfort.
因此, 展开户外热环境舒适性研究具有现实意义。
For all models, an improved headband spring will afford greater comfort for the majority of listeners.
Newly developed shock absorber and suspension setting enabled both better handling and the driving comfort.
He was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar, but it was no panacea for the ill which affected him.
他抽了支上等雪茄, 模模糊糊地感到心里好受了一些。
Luxurious laptop comfort soft foam leg rest, covered in plush microfiber, provides luxurious laptop comfort.
Of course, theres a huge difference between waving a conductors baton and providing aid and comfort to grandma.
It could comfort the ached joint, remove tiredness, soften the cuticle, remove bad smell, and prevent foot chilblain.
软化角质, 祛除异味, 并能预防足部冻疮。
Afterwards, postoperative local complications and comfort degree of patients in two groups were appraised and compared.
The System on Largess and Comfort and Compensate a Bereaved Family toEight Banners Officers and Soldiers of Kongxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Periods

单词 comfort 释义

  • 单词释义:舒适;安逸生活;安慰;感到安慰的人/物;使生活舒适的东西  [更多..]



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