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单词 coherence 例句大全,用单词coherence造句:

Application of the Centering Local Coherence Model in Second Language Writing Evaluation.
Coordination and coherence within the United Nations system should certainly be enhanced.
Coherence at home was seen as a precondition for coherence of international institutions.
Results The remarkable coherence for score of symptom and anxiety in patients with Globus.
It is significant to understand the atomic coherence by studying the optical pumping spectrum.
Logical connectors is one of the major cohesive devices, it can achieve coherence in discourse.
The theory of text cohesion and coherence is the chief research in the area of text linguistics.
Far Field Characteristics of Some Laser Beam Modes and the Influence of Spatial Partially Coherence
In HSS, sound waves behave in a manner somewhat resembling the coherence of light waves in a laser.
在超音速声音中, 声波的震动类似于激光中的光波。
Their articles read awkwardly and dont even have unity and coherence, lacking in both ideas and art.
他们的文章佶屈聱牙, 甚至文理不通, 既缺思想性, 又无艺术性。
Research of single camera gesture recognition applied with vector coherence mapping and hand features
Their articles read awkwardly and don't even have unity and coherence, lacking in both ideas and art.
Task coherence predicts what users will do in the future with reasonable, but not absolute, certainty.
当然, 任务一致性合理, 但不是绝对地预测用户将会做什么。
Sense of Coherence and Selected Influencing Factors among Hospitalized Adolescents with Chronic Illness
Coherence between Seasonal Variation and Methane Sulfonic Acid Particles in Marine Atmosphere of Zhuhai
The optical detuning , injected field and atomic coherence can inhibit the chaos of the cavity field.
In procedure aspect, argumentation from coherence needs an equal debate and dialogue among judge attendee.
A Comparative Analysis of Textual Coherence in Chinese and American College Students'Argumentative Writings.
The organized background knowledge also leads us to predict aspects in our interpretation of discourse coherence.
同时, 人们头脑中的背景知识也有助于我们理解语篇连贯性。
Investigations and Reflections on the Coherence Effectiveness and Battle Effectiveness of Rural Party Organizations
村党组织凝聚力, 战斗力的调查与思考
In the process of interpretation, inference is an aid for disambiguating, achieving coherence and decucing intentions.
推理有助于译者进行解歧, 建立连贯性和推导出交际意图。
Value the importance of coherence, logicality, systematisation, classroom situational arrangement and dynamic learning.
The thesis focused on the systematically theoretical study on some phenomena about atomic coherence and quantum interference.
Discussion the Aesthetic Views of Art and Nature of the Entrust Drift with Thing and Unity and Coherence Form Nature from Sushi
A Contrastive Analysis of Discourse Coherence in Chinese and English Argumentative Essays from the Perspective of Generic Structure

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