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单词 cloudy 例句大全,用单词cloudy造句:

Analysis of16 cases of lung adenocarcinoma manifested as cloudy opacity
In this paper, the process of cloudy pumpkin juice beverage was discussed.
There is certainly grounds for a recall based on cloudy election proceedings.
Enzymatic browning and its prevention in the processing of cloudy apple juice.
It was cloudy and the captain had to calculate our position by dead reckoning.
It was cloudy in the morning and did not begin to clear up until the afternoon.
It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
在樱花完全绽放的时候, 经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。
Trade volume of residential growth, a slight drop in average price, cloudy weather.
商品住宅成交量增长, 均价小幅下降, 多云天气。
Estimation of the Ground Surface Radiation Budget in Cloudy Sky Using Satellite Data
The photodissociation coefficients of oxygen and ozone in the cloudy turbid atmosphere
Cloudy and the light is twin brothers, cloudy is similarly by the light speed vanguard.
阴与光是孪生兄弟, 阴同样是以光的速度前行。
On the Anomalous Absorption of Solar Radiation by Water Clouds and by the Cloudy Atmosphere
It doesn't matter, the weather forecast says it'll turn from cloudy to sunny this afternoon.
Locally, the weather became unstable on June 26 th and alternating sunny and cloudy periods.
Rich crisp green feijoa flavours are softened with the soft flavour of a cloudy apple juice.
Cloudy water in the aquarium is caused by a bacteria bloom, while green water is an algae bloom.
The Effect of Steam Heating during Crushing on Color and Cloud Stabilization of Cloudy Apple Juice
Uses restores vital energy, the blood tonic, invigorates blood, to raise the cloudy method treatment.
According to the weather report, tomorrow Lost Angeles will partly cloudy with occasional rain shower.
根据天气预报, 洛杉矶明天将是阴天偶雨居多。
Achievements of Studies on Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention in the Processing of Cloudy Apple Juice
According to the weather report, tomorrow Lost Angeles will be partly cloudy with occasional rain shower.
根据天气预告, 洛杉矶明天将是阴天偶雨居多。
Study on the processing technology of cloudy cabbage juice produced by enzymatic reaction and its storage stability
When preparing liquids , thoroughly mix before administering. Check and discard medications that are cloudy or have changed color.
If meet cloudy day, flower can come behindhand nightly ability wither, just wither in the morning the following day even sometimes.
若逢阴天, 花朵会迟至夜间才凋, 有时甚至第二天早晨方谢。
Software Description About Blue Horizon, This theme features a partly cloudy sunset over a lake. Bubbly sounds and custom blue animated cursors are also included.

单词 cloudy 释义

  • 单词释义:多云的;含糊的;浑浊的  [更多..]



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