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单词 cock 例句大全,用单词cock造句:

hey, artiste, how did you know it was a woman who painted the cock.
The boat then made its way back to the cock under auxillary engine.
I never believe what jack says, he always tells cock and bull stories.
He smelt like a turkey cock just because I did not follow what he said.
就因为我没有按他说的做, 他就气呼呼的。
Open the burette cock and allow the water to return to the level bottle.
Bernadette Thats just what this country needs a cock in frock on a rock.
After passing Test No.1,continue to test No.2 by closing test cock No.2.
Harry told me a cock and bull story about a man robbing him of the money.
The little cock grows up and begins to learn to crow like a grown-up cock.
The villagers have a lot of fun watching cock fighting in their leisure time.
I'm fond of the shuttle cock, the seesaw and playing basketball. How about you ?
我喜欢跳毽子, 玩跷跷板和打篮球, 你呢?
A hydrodynamic theoretical analysis method for forecasting coupling cock closing
cock a snook at sbsthmake a rude gesture at sb by putting ones thumb to ones nose
Who killed Cock Robin ?I, said Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.
是谁杀了知更鸟?麻雀说, 是我, 用我的弓和箭, 我杀了知更鸟。
Open upstream slowly, fill the valve and bleed the air through Test cock 2, 3 and 2.
Wholl bear the pall We, said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, Well bear the pall.
Mr. Ben was thinking about quitting his job, but I told him not to go off at half cock.
Victor arrived late and told us some cock and bull story about his train catching fire.
维克多迟到了, 他给我们编造了他所坐的火车着火的胡话。
The winning photo captures the ferocity of a springtime fight between two cock pheasants.
If the dewatering time exceeds a preset time, the dewatering cock is automatically closed.
若放水时间超过预设时间, 放水龙头自动关闭
Jane was thinking about quitting her present job, but I advised her not to go off at half cock.
简打算辞去现职, 但我劝她不要仓促行事。
The shutoff valve with the test cock is to be mounted on the inlet side of the backflow preventer.
Cock of parcel blanket brim can build didymous old people to walk the interference with wheelchair.
Those who do take the excuse to cock a snook at their national governments and boost fringe parties.
The classification, seal mechanism and selection principles of the cock valve were introduced in this article.

单词 cock 释义



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