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单词 coca 例句大全,用单词coca造句:

The competition between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola has been on for a long time.
Please check the experiment that has been done by mixing Coca Cola with MENTOS.
In2001, the area under coca bush cultivation in Venezuela was reported to be47 ha.
Children would recover after taking a nap a bottle of coca cola when they are tired.
Cultivation of coca bush and opium poppy has been limited to a handful of countries.
In Peru, some50,000 households are estimated to be engaged in coca bush cultivation.
Still remember the Coca Cola ad of the Olympics torch bearer of Guo Jingjing last week
You know coca cola cans, soft drink cans. Look lets sit down here. Have you got a minute.
Sonne believed that said the Coca Cola Company bid too high has a little despised Huiyuan.
桑尼认为, 说可口可乐公司出价太高有点看低了汇源。
Pour the rum over ice in the highball glass and fill with coca cola. Squeeze in a lime wedge.
Microstructure Change during Crystallization Expansion of Chinese Tallow Coca Butter Equivalent
Production of opium poppy and coca leaf is concentrated in an ever smaller number of countries.
It could be sortus sawdust or agricultural waste, like grain hulls, coca cocoa or coffee shells.
Xinhe Brand drinking water chiller applied in cooling of milk, coca cola, sirup and other drink.
Coca Cola Enterprises is supporting the scheme, as part of its wider environmental commitments.
The chemicals in coca cola can be very effective to help neutralize the pain of jellyfish stings.
Cocaine production has followed the same trend as coca leaf cultivation, pointing to a slight increase.
Pour Coca Cola into your kettle and leave all day. This will remove limescale and leaves it clean inside.
在茶壶中灌满可乐, 静置一天, 这样可以去除茶壶内部的茶渍。
But before the congress even got underway there was breakfast, brought to you by the Coca Cola corporation.
但会议还没开始, 所呈上的早餐却是由可口可乐公司提供的。
The Peruvian government says it has suspended coca eradication efforts in an area where much coca is grown.
Coca-Cola, veteran of licensing in Europe, feels it has only begun to scratch the surface of what's possible.
An old couple went into a restaurant and ordered something to eat one Coca Cola and one portion of French fries.
有一对老夫妇到速食店去, 叫了一罐可乐和一份薯条。
In Bolivia, the law enforcement measures included forced eradication of new plantations and destruction of coca seedbeds.
在玻利维亚, 执法措施包括强行根除新植株和捣毁古柯苗床。
One speaker proposed reviewing the international drug control conventions with regard to the classification of the coca leaf.
In contrast, stock purchases are often made in even share amountsyou buy 50 shares of Coca Cola KO or 100 shares of Microsoft MSFT.
与此形成对比地, 股票的购置通常是一致的份额。

单词 coca 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[植]古柯(南美及西印度群岛所产的一种药用植物),古柯叶  [更多..]



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