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单词 cobbler 例句大全,用单词cobbler造句:

The cobbler remained welloff, and everything he undertook prospered.
而鞋匠仍然很富裕, 他着手做的事情都很成功。
He gave the cobbler a gold coin and had the man show him Cassim's house.
But the cobbler only laughed, and told them it was no business of theirs.
Bree Okay, time for cobbler. Sorry, one of the dessert plates doesnt match.
好了, 点心时间。对不起, 有一个甜品碟不搭配了。
Your turn now, cobbler. How many people brought you their old shoes to mend this month
皮匠刀, 可用皮绳或线绳缠绕, 以不磨手为度。
Richard Baxter rented the first floor of the house and the ground floor is occupied by a cobbler.
Ninglang in Zhongdian and Deqin, so far there is to beam live from the river cobbler village cobbler.
在宁蒗中甸, 德钦, 至今还有以束河皮匠聚居而成的皮匠村。
The cobbler fancied he beheld all the wealth which the earth had produced in the past century for the use of mankind.
Once heard a set people thinking the story of an old cobbler, after entering the town s long road repair shoe already forty years.
她还会在早上6点烤蓝莓馅饼, 也会拔杂草到深夜。

单词 cobbler 释义

  • 单词释义:酥皮水果馅饼;修鞋匠;胡说;废话  [更多..]



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