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单词 come 例句大全,用单词come造句:

Blessings do not come in pairs and calamities never come alone.
And Keith has come, and also Jonathan has come and many others.
济慈来了,约納坦 也来了,还有许多其他人。
I've come because Roy wanted me to come and because I wished to.
Oceans come and go. Mountains come and go. Glaciers come and go.
Come on, everyone!Come here and have a look at my spear ang hield.
在没有雨的季节里, 是那么孤单, 那么寂寞。
If we come to that problem, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
He did not come as early as Wei Hua. He did not come so early as Wei Hua.
The spirit had not come from any ancestor, it had come out of the unknown.
He's so late getting here – maybe something's come up and he can't come.
Ships will come from subdue Asshur and Eber, but they too will come to ruin.
Come on, everybody! Come here and have a look at my amazing spear and shield.
come back often, come back often. even pound back and knead shoulder for dad.
I figure I'll just come clean, tell him I screwed up, and beg him to come back.
我打算和盘托出 告诉他我过得不好,求他回来。
I think if you treat people well, people will come back and come back for more.
我觉得只要你对人不薄 人们就会回来,并且多次回来
Come, all you beasts of the field, come and devour, all you beasts of the forest!
田野得诸12兽, 都来吞吃吧!林中得诸兽, 也要如此。
As they come out, they come out thumbs down, or they come out little finger first.
手出水时, 大拇指朝下, 或者说小手指领先出水。
Come on!Don't be a wet blanket. Everybody's going. You can study after we come back.
And, people, not only do they come from Iran, but they come from as far as Afghanistan.
I wait for you in here to come back, to wait for you to come back there to look the peach blossom opens!
我在这儿等着你回来, 等着你回来看那儿桃花开!
He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
Sincere Hope with ample new old consumer incoming telegram, come soak, come here attend personally visit guidance.
This year, that tower of babble is higher than ever, as new terms have come into being, and old ones have come to the fore.
Lift up your eyes and look about you All assemble and come to you your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm.
My betrothed! Damn him, he simply refused to come into the bridal chamber. My bridegroom! Damn him, he simply refused to come into the room.
My personal dream machine will come complete with a push-button Rattlefinder, to locate and erase those mysterious internal clonking noises that sometime come from my car engine.

单词 come 释义

  • 单词释义:来;到达;行进;发生;位于;成为  [更多..]



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