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单词 client 例句大全,用单词client造句:

But no factor loomed larger during the period than the dearth of client activity, he said.
The client can choose the various concentrator in accordance with the concentration content.
贵厂可根据浓缩量大小, 来选用技术参数中系列浓缩器。
The specific and measurable goal the client is trying to achieve from a business perspective.
从商业角度来看, 客户想达到具体和可衡量的目标。
The setting out shall be inspected and accepted by the client before track laying may proceed.
应在进行轨道铺设前, 由业主检查和验收放样工作。
The Client acknowledges that an instruction may be cancelled or amended only before execution.
客户确认, 一项指示只可以在其执行前, 取消或修改。
The supplied code again gives the actual implementation of both the service and a test client.
The fact that a client can use the key indicates that the key is under control of that client.
Have client practice splinting. Hold pillow to abdomen for support while sitting up or coughing.
Contractor must strictly execute construction abiding by the designed scheme approved by client.
Position client comfortably with area of decubitus ulcer and surrounding skin easily accessible.
病人体位舒适, 褥疮性溃疡部位及周围皮肤易于处理。
Discuss the languages and controls commonly used in client applications for accessing databases.
After the position is closedthe client is liable for any resulting deficit the client's account.
May supervise other auditors or professionals charge of accounting within client's establishment.
A power of attorney should be mixed by client be signed by client both sides or affix one's seal.
The Dealer refers the Client to the Risk Disclosure Statements contained in the Client Agreement.
The client gateway propagates the client principal using identity assertion to the service gateway.
Is any director, shareholder or authorized person of the client a client of Vision Finance Limited
Client identity token and other related information will be encapsulated in the client request message.
Set auger adorn article can make your product Yi Yi is unripe brightness, more client place is accepted.
镶钻饰品能使您的产品熠熠生辉, 更为顾客所接受。
The client can pay with credit cards, debit cards, cash, cheques, transfer from account to account, etc.
客户可以用信用卡, 借计卡, 支票, 划帐等方式付款。
Facsimile, Telex, Cable and any postage costs incurred by FCTTC will be charged to the client's accounts.
The client already submitted the remittance document, please check whether the client's capital has received.
A client account has a name, password, and a list of sync sources the client is allowed to synchronize with.
Please select the licensing program through which you have purchased your Terminal Server Client Access Licenses.
When client who is ambulating experiences shortness of breath or the need to cough, encourage a position that supports client.

单词 client 释义

  • 单词释义:客户;委托人;〈计〉客户机  [更多..]



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