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单词 clear 例句大全,用单词clear造句:

Shed leaves under the conciliation of a clear sky, gradual thin forget ever absentminded.
We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are acceptable.
It was as clear as daylight then that the burglars had forced an entry during her absence.
The problem after rephrase can say clear, and not the problem of rephrase says clear hard.
He made it abundantly clear that anybody who disagrees with his policies will not last long.
We are not able to clear this payment because of Mr. Kimura's sudden illness, our accountant.
由于我们得会计木村罹患急病, 导致此笔款项未能支付。
The stock case study presents a tidy narrative arc, with a protagonist and a clear story line.
In the absence of clear political leadership, negotiators have an incentive to be risk averse.
如果没有明确的政治领导, 谈判代表们就会趋利避害。
Clear Plastic Box ensures total product visibility. The clear advantage in selling your products.
As the sun rose, the sky began to clear up. In fact, by midday, it was another bright, clear day.
天空开始变晴了, 到正午的时候, 头顶上方晴朗无云。
Comparisons to the Depression are clear only in 1931 and 1937 were there similarly abysmal losses.
和大萧条时代比较起来, 只有1931和1937年才有类似的经历。
On rational clear spacing of tunnel with small clear spacing based on strength reduction technique
It was clear from the accounts of the historian Plinythat the Romans also possessed burningglasses.
Therefore, it is clear that there is a need to improve and maximize transparency and accountability.
因此, 显然有必要改善和最大限度地提高透明度和责任制。
By the way, if I didn't make it clear yesterday, I absolutely did not do that thing you accuse me of.
Estonia is convinced that the treaty should set out clear standards that States are bound to abide by.
Clear rice vinegar Sweet and subtle clear vinegar made from fermented rice, relatively low in acidity.
白米醋用发酵大米制成的甜味的和甚为清澈的醋, 酸度较低。
The message was clear to me that this would absolutely be my last long term vacation with this company.
意思很明白, 这将是我在这家公司最后一次的长期旅行。
This document expresses a clear recommendation for the signatory states to legislate towards Open Access.
Equipped with brute mighty dust absorption system, Which makes the plate surface clear, and circumstance sanitation.
It should be done painstakingly and thoroughly,with a clear objective in mind and in a way acceptable to the masses.
The goal of social storehouse's policy in the Emperor Yong Zheng was clear and definite, the outline is clear, it was apt to spread.
雍正帝的社仓政策目标明确, 轮廓清晰, 推行得当。
I think it is absolutely wrong for research to begin in the first place without a clear plan for what would happen to the participants.
我认为这种 一旦结束就过河拆桥的 医学研究
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth
承受量, 做某事的能力
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth.

单词 clear 释义

  • 单词释义:易懂的,清楚的;显然的;透明的;明亮的;畅通的;晴朗的;光洁的;无愧的;远离的  [更多..]



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