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单词 climb 例句大全,用单词climb造句:

On the day of Chongyang Festival, one traditional activity is to climb mountains.
In the face of the new evidence he had to climb down and admit he had been wrong.
在新的证据面前, 他只得服输认错。
Turn down the thermostat a few degrees before you climb into bed, experts advise.
在你打开了自动调温器几度在床上爬, 专家建议。
She grasped the rope ladder, the exhaustion of the body's ability to climb up the.
Mr. Black was afraid to climb the tree, for he was afraid of falling down from it.
A fellow cyclist had pulled alongside me and was supporting me on my upward climb.
一位骑单车的同伴在我身边停下, 支持我想上行进。
The tourists have arrived at the foot of Huang Mountain and are ready to climb it.
According to tradition, people should climb mountains during the Chongyang Festival.
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Once on the ground, the ascending photographer explains his decision to climb the pole.
The interceptor fighter needs a powerful thrust to achieve rapid climb and acceleration.
And this amazing beach, accessible only by boat or a treacherous climb, is Grays canvas.
The connector gate could be opened against projecting rock or anchorage during the climb.
I climb up, and there's this place, way in the back, that you climb up this wooden ladder.
When ready, climb up the ledge to a high area that leads into the Tunnel of Love attraction.
准备好后, 爬上一个高处进入爱的引力通道。
Because the train pours broken bits not to climb, affected too the steely production of steel.
因为火车倒渣爬不上去, 影响了太钢的钢铁生产。
Amaranthine cane, climb on the ground, greenery grows on the cane, subterranean knot muskmelon.
The old woman just didnt have it in her to climb all those stairs anymore, so she had to move.
Big Wall Climbing Rock climb that is so long and sustained that a normal ascent lasts several days.
The title hopes to go upward, the wall signs thousand Rens, and the jade pillar apex Yao can not climb.
Those dastardly Joneses do not have the decency to stay in place, and as they climb the ladder, we must climb also.
这些人为了保持体面, 就要往上爬, 我们也必须往上爬。
Old of climb a mountain tiger rattan Luo, congestion entwine together, fight to be the first ground to climb along.
My one person gets away easily, can if want to take to climb them to walk together but difficult liken to ascend heaven.
It is strictly forbidden to climb over such installations round the airport as the enclosing walls, boundary ditches, and barbed wire entanglements.
This helped Essence Ordinaire, the group's third CD, climb to the fourth spot in French album sales, and win it platinum record status just weeks after it had gone gold.

单词 climb 释义

  • 单词释义:攀登;爬;攀岩;攀缘生长;上升;增长;晋升  [更多..]



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