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单词 collect 例句大全,用单词collect造句:

Collect emerging oil and coolant and dispose of in accordance with legal requirements.
The remaining hurdle, admittedly a high one, is to collect the current from the antennae.
Is an attempt to help collect, develop and distribute software for robotics applications.
The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news.
Company Applicant must collect password at the branch where the Primary Account is opened.
They collect millions of points at a time with very high accuracy and very high resolution.
能一次性 高精度高像素地 收集上百万个点
The purpose of this activity is to collect funds for the children with mental deficiencies.
Metalloid mine product already became our country's important exit to achieve collect goods.
They use specialized tools to collect information about the system, dissect, and analyze it.
他们使用专门工具来搜集, 研究并分析关于系统的信息。
If a deal is not concluded, the auction house may collect the agreed charges from the seller.
All relevant departments should collect and analyse indicators in a timely fashion, she said.
她说, 所有相关部门应该及时收集并分析指标。
To analyze customer requests and collect all technical specifications necessary for quotation.
分析客户需求, 收集所有报价所需的相关技术信息。
This text collect electric wind electric field trend of effect calculate and analyze considering.
Candidates need NOT do any registration or collect any audition cloth at the registration counter.
Please check with your airline company in which terminal you should go to collect your consignment.
Collect the gold left to right across the bottom of the play area, then right to left across the top.
在底部从左到右收集金块, 然后顶部从右到左。
How to handle with breakage and leakage of packing Collect the spillage and put it to sealed airtight bags in time.
and in the absence of any agreement, the auctioneer may collect from the trustee rational charges as auction expenses.
Gather, collect, assemble, congregate, accumulate, amass These verbs mean to bring or come together in a group or mass.
We should take an active part in the Hope Project and collect money for those children who are too poor to go to school.
最后, 论述我们应为希望工程做些什么。
I looksintosmine and see navel fluff, said Barker, whose ambition is to collect enough navel pickings to stuff a pillow.
The article analyses property to manage the account with collect fees difficult, seek settlement countermeasure measure.
However, it was only then that I remembered I had to collect my Indiana Jones photo before the Universal Studios store shut.
Collect and calculate the cost of sales, inform the relevant department to analyze the reason, and report it to the company management.
If you want to see all the product information we collect on Amazon-all the previous customer comments and professional reviews - you have to pay $30 a year.'

单词 collect 释义

  • 单词释义:收集;收藏;领取;接走;积累;聚集;募捐;收款;赢得;获得  [更多..]



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