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单词 clement 例句大全,用单词clement造句:

The planets history contains many less stable and clement eras than the Holocene.
The trivialisation of the term indicates how clement conditions were during 2006.
这个词汇的滥用, 表明2006年的状况是多么的祥和。
Heading the campaign against Churchill was Clement Attlee, leader of the Labor Party.
The subsystems parameters can be obtained by means of finet clement analysis or experiment.
The successor to Clement V, he established the papal court at Avignon on a permanent basis.
Effect of compound Dan Shen Mixture on bone mineral clement metabolism in ovariectomized rats.
So W. Clement Stone targeted Richard Nixon as the one who could do this if he became president.
他认为尼克松会成为总统, 认为尼克松可以做得到。
A student from the graduating cohort, Clement Ong will now lead us in this time of praise worship.
Alexei N. Naimushin, Scott D. Soelberg, Dwight U. Bartholomew, Jerry L. Elkind, Clement E. Furlong.
Three dimensional finite clement methol for solving The dispersion characteristics of the slow wave steuctures.
The Chinon Parchment absolves the Templars of all heresy. Clement V issued that bull himself, in secret, in 1308.
As for the pollen, Sugden says it has never been accurately dated and may come from a much earlier clement period.
In the paper, the general program based on finite clement method is established for analysing shielded microstriplike transmission lines.
Finally, we obtain the variational finite element , and the boundary clement solution, and the numerical results have varified that the element formulae are effective.
最后给出变分有限元及边界元解, 算例证实有限元格式有效。

单词 clement 释义

  • 单词释义:(尤指气候)温和的;宽大的,仁慈的  [更多..]



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