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单词 citizen 例句大全,用单词citizen造句:

Becoming a citizen, he says, is another step in the right direction for my family.
This byelaw encourages citizen alms remains and organ, prohibit remains and, organ.
Authenticating the system involves citizen litigation's right protective spect more.
This main house gate mouth's Olympic Games, have awakened the citizen consciousness.
这一次家门口的奥运, 唤醒了公民意识。
My aim is to become a good citizen so as to be able to render service to the country.
An additional cognomen given to a Roman citizen, often in honor of military victories.
Others allege that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia and lost his U. S. citizenship.
My aim is to become a good citizen so as to be able to render a service to the country.
Yan Fu put forward the problem of the citizen s innate badness for the very first time.
Citizenship The status of a citizen with its attendant duties, rights, and privileges.
Australian government is every citizen derate the charge of drug of a lot of prescription.
The west citizenship education is to prepare for the democratic life of future adult citizen.
However, in ancient Rome the average citizen lived in an apartment and didn't have a kitchen.
然而, 在古代罗马, 普通老百姓只能住在没有厨房的房屋里。
To be elected to the Commonwealth Parliament you must be an Australian citizen true or false.
My best friend, Cocoa, and I live in a senior citizen apartment complex in a lovely small town.
Also, a foreign student cann't display on cannot displace an American citizen citizen in a job.
Its surmisable that researches on system criterion of citizen morality are an audacious attempt.
A citizen shall not act as a people's assessor concurrently at two or grassroots people's courts.
Concretely arrive a translation idea, we don't approve to be naturalized as a citizen translation method.
具体到翻译观念, 我们不赞成归化翻译法。
The New Adjustment on Relations between Citizen and Government in Contemporary Western Administrative Reform
The Supreme Court in Quirin did not consider the allegation that one of the accused was a United States citizen.
Where the use of weapon or police apparatus in violation of laws causes bodily injury to or decease of a citizen
违法使用武器, 警械造成公民身体伤害或者死亡的
Also, a foreign students can not display student cannot displace an american American citizen in a jop, international job.
还有, 一个国际学生不能替代一个美国公民所做的工作。
If that person is a citizen, the documents shall, in case of his absence, be receipted by an adult member of his family living with him.
The average American is unconcerned that his plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control.

单词 citizen 释义



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