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单词 citizenship 例句大全,用单词citizenship造句:

American citizenship, they decided, was one of the finest gifts they could bestow.
By the inclusion of this provision into the Law, an alien acquired dual citizenship.
将这一条款写入该法, 外国人可以取得双重国籍。
I wa chanceod early citizen who lost my citizenship under section 17 of the old Act.
Compared with citizenship of a country, membership is easy to acquire and renounce.
Others allege that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia and lost his U. S. citizenship.
I wa tryod longstanding citizen who lost my citizenship under section 17 of the old Act.
This relative has become a Filipino citizen But she still retains her Swiss citizenship.
Citizenship The status of a citizen with its attendant duties, rights, and privileges.
The west citizenship education is to prepare for the democratic life of future adult citizen.
List some of the benefits that come to a community when Christians practice good citizenship.
The constitution was amended once again to reintroduce acquisition of citizenship by adoption.
For example, the dual citizenship issue was taken out of the Special Parallel Agreement by me.
例如, 我在特别平行协定中消除了双重国籍问题。
Globalization and Internet era have brought about new challenge to the concept of citizenship.
全球化和网络时代的到来, 使公民概念面临著新的挑战。
At the same time, most of them have good citizenship, civic awareness and appropriate training.
The Bill contains no changes to the acquisition of citizenship for children adopted in Australia.
As a British Citizen myself it almost seems madness that anyone could renounce their citizenship!
我身为英国公民, 若有人放弃英国籍, 八成是疯了!
Section3 of Article6 provides clear criteria for acquisition of citizenship through naturalization.
After his release from imprisonment, Bill travelled to Sydney and applied for Australian citizenship.
The duties of citizenship are lost sight of in the wilderness of interests of individuals and groups.
In many instances, these professionals and their children acquire the citizenship of their new countries.
Correlations between Job Burnout and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Party and Governmental Cadres
If the person who asks the question does not understand Mandarin, ones citizenship is often an adequate reply.
You will get a citizenship certificate if you have successfully completed all the steps to become a Canadian citizen.
The privileges and freedoms inherent in selfgovernment are balanced by the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.
自治所固有的特权和自由, 是与公民义务及责任相辅相成的。
Citizenship and Immigration Canada requests that you confirm whether or not you are still interested in immigrating to Canada.
主要是确认你现在想法是否如初, 一心想移民加拿大。

单词 citizenship 释义

  • 单词释义:公民权利(或资格;公民归属)  [更多..]



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