You have given us many examples, but could You please cite another example?
Could you possibly cite one attendant whose service specialty appeals to you
Ms Fujimoris advisers also cite Mr Lula da Silvas social reforms as a model.
Of this out of ten thousand instances that I might produce, I will cite one.
对此, 我可以列举万余个例子, 下面我就举一个吧。
The authors cite examples from 12th century crusaders to modern sex tourists.
Can be the talent that after maggot bug is in office, its cite it is congener.
Enumeration system processes, can cite the system is currently running process.
Apply the law to your set of facts and cite to cases that support your position.
Boats anchored along the Seine river with Ile de la Cite in the background, Paris.
抛锚在塞纳河边得游船, 背景为西岱岛。
Of course there are many other reasons people cite for the decrease in masculinity.
Here, I wish to cite briefly a number of areas where we have undertaken new measures.
在此, 我谨简略地叙述我们采取了新措施的若干领域。
Monsieur le guide, pouvezvous nous presenter un peu lhistoire de cette ancienne cite.
We can cite Nelson Mandela's experience an excellent example of overcoming adversity.
We all have to improve on this sort of thing. But oftentimes theyll cite distractions.
Again, as an illustrative rather than a comprehensive list, let me cite a few examples.
再次作为说明性而非全面的清单, 我要举几个例子。
Out of respect for the Councils time, however, let me just cite three or four examples.
If you use ideas or information that are not common knowledge, you must cite the source.
如果你使用到的点子或资讯不是常识, 你必须标示出处。
This article does not adequately cite its sources and may contain unverified information.
这篇新闻缺少所引用的来源, 而且可能含有未经证实的消息。
Then cite examples that show how your bosss treatment negatively affects your performance.
To solve the problem, it is necessary to cite the legal theory on emergent avoidance of danger.
Use standard footnote conventions, giving full bibliographic information for all sources you cite.
用标准的脚注方法, 给出你所引的所有资料详细的书目信息。
Cite specific examples and include maps, photographs, and or drawings to illustrate your narrative.
To draw out of others more valuable opinions upon the problem, I might as well cite my own experience.
为了抛砖引玉, 我不妨先说说自己的经历。
The musicologists today continue to cite and adopt the result of this work because of its significance.
致使今日学者的研究, 仍不断引证或采用这些历史资料。
I abjure, curse and detest the abovementioned errors and heresies and in general, each and every other error thereby and cite contrary to the Holy Church.
我发誓放弃, 诅咒并憎恶上述错误及异端邪说。