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单词 circle 例句大全,用单词circle造句:

Create a circle using elliptical shape tool. Place it so that only a part of circle is visible.
I wish you Love Circle Love Circle, Elixir of Love, popular sources of income, a steady stream!
祝你爱圆情圆, 花好月圆, 人缘财源, 源源不断!
Changing social security fee to social security tax is always a hot spot in the academic circle.
The study of the financial discourse has always been a weak link circle in the language academic.
Due to the lack of data, Chen Yizeng and his theories of prose are ignored by the academic circle.
The Influence of Tip Circle's Error on the Measuring Accuracy of Portable Tooth Profile Instrument.
An Approach to Producing High Accuracy Round Bar Used of Rolling Line Without Gauging Circle Machine
The point in the middle of a circle is called the center of a circle. Its represented by the letter O.
把圆中心的一点叫做圆心, 圆心一般用字母表示。
Double stanza approach, let us wish the wish country circle a house circle, house and countrys totally!
In the past10 years, the making of modern historiography has been a central issue in the academic circle.
The bearing is composed of a circle tubular addendum circle and the multirow steel ball and the retainer.
The veritical circle means the big circle of a heaven sphere over the local direction of a heaven sphere.
Big circle the face which appreciate to let you seems to be more a circle, unless you think special effect.
Design of automated acquisition system of multipoint differential pressure signals for circle pipe flow meter
The academic circle all agree that Zhuangzis social perspectives were retrogressive, and should be criticized.
Inverson of a Circle Into a circle, if the circle pass through inversion center O, it becomes a straight line.
Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Circle and circle stock for the production of culinary utensils. Specifications.
If you remember what we did several times, well, along the circle that vector field now is tangent to the circle.
我们做过若干次了, 沿着圆, 向量场与圆相切。
When washing a face, in order to circle the gesticulation of circle, with show the abdomen is massaged gently clean.
洗脸的时候, 以绕圆圈的手势, 用指腹轻轻地按摩清洗。
Articulatory dish be located in condyle shape dash forward and acetabulum between, show egg circle and two sides caves.
The modification of nomograph used to determine the base circle radius for constant acceleration and deceleration motion
The Implementation of Minimum Circumscribed Circle Method for Evaluation of the Errors of the Circle Roundness by Using Computer
A large reflect meridian circle is an instrument for the absolute determination of the declination and right ascension of a star.
Even though science is not a full circle that can fulfill all human beings, it is an important cambered surface of the whole circle.
The academic circle has been harassed for a long time by the problem of how the modern popular literature could be included in the modern literary history.
如何把现代通俗文学整合进现代文学史, 长期困扰着学界。

单词 circle 释义

  • 单词释义:圆(圈);环形物;一圈…;(相同兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子,界;楼厅包厢  [更多..]



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