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单词 cicada 例句大全,用单词cicada造句:

The early Tang Dynasty poems of cicada imagery are mainly through court poets and the four laureate poets to show.
An electrophysiological study on coding of acoustic signals by auditory interneurons in cicada Cryptotympana atrata
The ornamentations were dragon motif, coiled hui motif and transformed cicada motif made by pottery pattern method.
The summer came, and the cicada bugs were singing loudly. The streets were filled with boys and girls wearing pretty cloths.
The patterns in both the temporal domain and the frequency domain of the calling songs of the cicada C. atrata possess the coding characteristics.
在时域和频域上, 蚱蝉自鸣声具有编码特征。
The mushroom knows not the alternation of day and night. The cicada knows not the alternation of spring and autumn. These are instances of short life.
朝菌不知晦朔, 蟪蛄不知春秋, 此小年也。
The Cicada Drunk with fresh dew, your trill will flow From mid the sparse parasol trees. Rising high, far your voice will go, Not on the wings of autumn breeze.

单词 cicada 释义



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