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单词 circus 例句大全,用单词circus造句:

They attacked the circus like a hive of bees and arrested all involved.
The Vandals? They took Carthage when the locals were watching a circus.
This paper had a large circulation and the circus freaks were thankful.
You want the Victoria to Oxford Circus and then you change on to Central.
你要乘维多利亚线到牛津广场, 再转中央线。
The colourful lights and the noisy music attracted children to the circus.
In no circumstances can the bicycle in the circle of the circus be a focus.
The circus experienced a calamity when the tigers escaped from their cages.
译当老虎从笼子里逃出来时, 马戏团经历了一场灾难。
The Anna Nicole Smith's circus is picking up sticks and moving to the Bahamas.
In no circumstances can the bicycle in the circle of the circus be a focus.PDF
The children begged their father to take them to the circus until he caved in.
Monty Python puts on hilarious comedy routines 'Monty Python's Flying Circus.'
Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood came out to the Circus in Chicago last night.
I had not thought that can meet the ugly female celestial in the circus troupe.
Trapeze acrobatics is her favorite performance every time she goes to the circus.
If you dont mind, our annual circus is something Id like to blot out for a while.
The circus is in town, and we have become a band of travelling minstrels and misfits.
马戏团进城了, 我们成了一队走错地方的江湖卖艺人。
More than 98 people who gathered outside the courthouse added to the circus atmosphere.
More than 100 people who gathered outside the courthouse added to the circus atmosphere.
Nobody wants to be caught trying to catch that knife with their mouths like in a circus act.
Much as a circus clown might perch atop a ball, the ballbots body stands atop the ball wheel.
圆球机器人站在球形轮上, 很像是马戏团小丑贴在球上。
After a short time in rhythmic gymnastics, she was accepted into circus school at the age of 6.
一段时间后, 她在艺术体操马戏团了学校6岁的时候。
The circus impresario's taste for spectacle paved the way for blockbuster movies and reality TV.
They called me fat cow. Once they went outside of the barnyard into the circus tent to call me an elephant.
他们叫我肥牛, 一旦我们去马戏团的时候他们叫我大象。
During the first week the takingsof the circus were not enough to cover the purchase of fodder for the animals.
第一周, 马戏团的收入还不够买动物吃的饲料。
The most fantastic part of the circus performance is of Giant Pandas, and its clumsy and funny motion amused the whole audience.

单词 circus 释义

  • 单词释义:马戏团;热闹场面;(用于地名)环形广场  [更多..]



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