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单词 chitlin 例句大全,用单词chitlin造句:

Its not masking the chitlin odor, its actually neutralizing it.
Chitlins are considered a delicacy in South Carolina and other parts of the South.
And I bought some crabs too right around there, and some chitlins at the Safeway in Emoryville.
在那儿我还买了一些蟹 在埃默里维尔的西夫韦买了点猪肠
And in a previous study, the research team had shown that cilantro can mask the cookingchitlin stench.
此前就有研究表明, 芫荽能够掩盖烹饪大肠时的恶臭。

单词 chitlin 释义

  • 单词释义: circuit(以黑人演员为特色的)一组黑人戏院(或夜总会)  [更多..]



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