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单词 chore 例句大全,用单词chore造句:

Performing backups on a frequent basis is a critical but typically ignored chore.
定期执行备份是一项重要的任务, 但是常常被忽视。
Maggie No, no, no, no! Jason, stop that. Its chore day, it was your idea, remember.
The thought of massaging your own feet might seem like a chore but in fact its not.
或许给自己的双脚来个按摩看似家务杂事, 实则不然。
Washington It is for many Americans a chore delayed until the last possible moment.
It s such a chore going shopping with her ! She wants to stop at every little shop.
Maggie You know youre absolutely right. So guess where were going to be next chore day.
Disliking this chore and relieved that it would end soon, he continued fielding questions.
Crossing an irksome chore off your todo list will give you a big rush of energy and relief.
解决掉很多烦心事中的一件会让你突然浑身是劲, 心情轻松。
We wanted to be excited about writing the integration tests, rather than them being a chore.
我们希望写集成测试的过程充满愉悦, 而不是令人厌倦。
Players competed to earn high scores in the game, making it entertainment rather than a chore.
玩家可以竞争获取高分, 当成了一种娱乐而不是烦心事。
The most popular chore for men was shopping for the house, the least favorite was childrearing.
Somethimes what we might call a trivial or tedious chore is actually a matter of extreme importance.
The coffee is served by a surly male, whose lip curls at the chore of handing me my coffee and change.
Studying the seismic activity has become a daily chore and there is one thing that I do not understand.
assignment business charge chore consignment duty embassy errand job labour purpose pursuit stint task thing work.
That was the best chore of all. It made possible getting near enough to her to close out the others in the classroom.
这是最好的差使, 可以接近她, 把全班里其他的人都撇开。
Rid hands of food odorsChopping garlic or cleaning a fish can leave their essence on your fingers long after the chore is done.
Listening to even delicate pieces can become a chore, and the VCAN cant stay the course after more than five or so minutes listening.

单词 chore 释义

  • 单词释义:琐事,令人厌烦的任务;家务活  [更多..]



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