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单词 claim 例句大全,用单词claim造句:

They must have a specific respondent, claim, facts and argument on which the claim is based
有明确的被请求人和具体的请求事项, 事实和理由
We've given your claim our careful consideration but regret our inability to accommodate it.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and a settlement of our claim as soon as possible.
This claim language adds a functional limitation to the claim, which may be acceptable to PTO.
这种权项语言对权项作出功能性限制, 应可获专利局接受。
Article 46 Any undue claim shall be deemed as due upon the acceptance of the bankruptcy application.
第四十六条未到期的债权, 在破产申请受理时视为到期。
One may accurately claim that the judiciary has historically been the weakest of the three branches.
The Relation between Rights to Claim Labor Injury Insurance and Right to Claim Common Personal Damage
No claim forfor pollution damage shall be made against sb otherwise in accordance with this convention.
The First Claim Case for Compensation During Marriage in China after the New Marriage Law Is Actualized
The underwriter have the responsibility for the claim since the claim is within the scope if insurance.
Will aboard combinationing claim to it please rebate a double mill at trap customer servbuffalo counter?
Will aboard combinationing claim to it please rebate a double mill at trap customer servbuffalo counter ?
This adjustment will also include the elimination of any duplication of loss items contained in the claim.
The defendant made an opposing claim against the plaintiff by saying that the latter had accused him falsely.
Written claim from third party claimant Claim substantiation documents as appropriate Other relevant documents
On the Concurrence Concerning the Right of Claim of Restitution of Unjust Enrichment and Other Rights of Claim
But for all his manifold difficulties, which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement ?
但是, 哪一位当代建筑师能够取得同样的成就?
Additionally, the defendant may file a counter claim to assert the defendants own claims against the plaintiff.
In case of a claim for compensation in respect of this consignment, it should be supported by adequate documents.
如对所交之货有异议, 索赔时须提供充分证明。
Settle and follow up payment service providers, processing claim adjustment. Experienced in manufactures service.
Article 1068 repeals the restrictions on an illegitimate child who may claim acknowledgement from his or her natural father.
His claim for damages after the car accident has still not been properly dealt with by the insurance company after all this time.
Please make sure not to include the amount of government rent in the claim for deduction of rates so as to avoid an incorrect claim.
Any Counter Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant in accord with Arbitration Rules, including the Counter Claim filing fee.
Where the claimant makes a claim for the arrest of a ship, the limitation of time shall be discontinued from the day on which the claim is made.
请求人申请扣船的, 时效自申请扣船之日起中断。

单词 claim 释义

  • 单词释义:声称;索取;赢得;需要;夺去(生命)  [更多..]



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