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单词 chinese 例句大全,用单词chinese造句:

The wordbook helps students of ancient Chinese vividly understand the meaning of ancient Chinese words.
The English Premier League football association buys its Chinese counterpart, the Chinese Super League.
英超足球协会购买其中文对应, 我国超级联赛。
Locals were treated to calligraphy demonstrations, authentic Chinese tea tasting and a Chinese banquet.
The Cognitive Basis of Chinese Local Words Shang Xia and Teaching Chinese Language as a Second Language
I am a Chinese collage student majoring in Chinese. If you want to learn Chinese, just connected with me.
The Chinese letter is attached for Chinese readers to share the causal origins and know what the Gatha is.
It is a new subject for the study of Chinese grammar to analyse the Chinese sentence patterns functionally.
Chinese phoneme characters can break through the neatness of the phonetic annotation of Chinese characters.
The present invention relates to a Chinese character input method using Chinese phonetic alphabet as basis.
Concerned about the Chinese education, overseas Chinese children established Sherwood always Chinese school.
关心华侨子女的中文教育, 创办了西华总会中文学校。
Bilingual Introductions in English and Chinese With English and Chinese Dubbing Possessing Multiple Use Value
This is what the traditional Chinese medicine science calls a deficiency illness. Take some Chinese medicine.
你这是中医说的虚症, 吃点中药吧。
Study on the Biomass of the Mixed Forest of Chinese Pine with Chinese Arborvitae in Limestone Mountains Region
Comparing with the modern Chinese, the author looks at the situation that has been replaced in modern Chinese.
对其进行了六书的归类, 与现代汉语相比较, 看其替代情况。
Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
The other is freehand brushwork which exist in Chinese painting opposite traditional Chinese realistic painting.
Outline of Chinese characters and Chinese characters level up the six categories of Chinese characters category.
abstract Traditional Chinese medicine pharmacology is a link of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine.
Prepare certification issued or other documents certified by Chinese local notary offices in Chinese and English.
A Survey of Some Unidentified Chinese Characters in the Chinese Dictionary and the Central Chinese Big Dictionary
However, the Chinese embassy in Syria did not charge any fee for assisting the evacuation of the overseas Chinese.
Changes of regional cerebral blood oxygenation in recognizing Chinese characters in children with Chinese dyslexia
A comparison of structure and function on masticatory apparatus between Chinese bamboo rat and common Chinese zokors
Cultural Identification of Southeast Asian Students of Chinese Descent and Their Motive of Learning Chinese Language
Well, when I have a bigger vocabulary of Chinese characters, I will certainly feel up for speaking Chinese with you.

单词 chinese 释义

  • 单词释义:中国人;华人;中文;汉语  [更多..]



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