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单词 farmer 例句大全,用单词farmer造句:

The first, the land right of the farmer appeals to beg a question.
Jack was the son of a farmer,and lived in the days of King Arthur.
Jack was the son of a farmer, and lived in the days of King Arthur.
据说杰克是个农夫的儿子, 生活在亚瑟王时代。
And farmer's rights are, in actuality, farmer's subsistence rights.
How can a farmer butcher an animal that he himself raised for years?
Under the sway of hunger,the shy deer appeared in the farmer's yard.
The farmer uncle in hope of field, with harvest own work achievement.
The widow agree, farmer is a condition with a pig, occupy widow home!
寡妇不肯, 农民以一头猪为条件, 住进寡妇家!
Under the sway of hunger, the shy deer appeared in the farmer's yard.
那只胆小的鹿迫于饥饿, 跑到了农民的院子里。
The farmer's property was apportioned among his sons after his death.
A farmer was lifting his pig up to a tree to eat an apple growing there.
有个农夫把他得猪举起来, 让它吃得到树上得苹果。
Subsequently, he asks the farmer as pay to his sheep, the farmer agreed.
随后, 他要求农民给他一只羊作为报酬, 农民答应了。
After the farmer said so, his youngest son admited his fault immediately.
语罢, 农夫的小儿子立马跳出来承认了错误。
Mr. Farmer and Mrs. Jones both admitted conspiring to murder her husband.
Land agent does not have land, do not have farmland like the farmer same.
The farmer cannot bear to betroth the daughter to allotment a wild beast.
In the last lifetime, this initiate's ancestor was a hard working farmer.
The last two weeks of March are an anxious time for the spaghetti farmer.
Eg. Being a farmer is a hard life. You have to work all day and all night.
农民生活很苦, 他要夜以继日的工作。
The king's eyes gleamed with anger as he listened to the farmer's complaint.
听到那个农民的埋怨, 国王的眼里闪着愤怒的目光。
He took the farmer's fields become very hard, let the farmer finish rolling.
The trees are bending with golden fruit, and abundance rewards farmer's toil.
At once he called a hired hand to accompany him and rode out with the farmer.
The farmer lay down by the side of a tree to rest his tired and aching limbs.
Want to accelerate rural tax to expend reform currently, reduce farmer burden.
当前则要加快农村税费改革, 减轻农民负担。

单词 farmer 释义

  • 单词释义:农场主,农民;承包人  [更多..]



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