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单词 fare 例句大全,用单词fare造句:

He paid only a quarter of the normal fare because he works for the airline.
Carrier may refuse transportation if the applicable fare has not been paid.
如未交付适用的票价, 承运人可以拒绝运输。
I allotted six dollars for bus fare and twenty dollars for lunch each month.
Tickets have been sold, such as fare adjustment, ticketed through no changes.
Above fare are exclusive of all airport taxes, insurance and fuel surcharges.
不含燃油附加税, 保险税及机场税。
This means that you must have the exact amount of the fare as you board the bus.
这就是说, 你上车时必须有一定的车费。
Ask for a half portion of an adult meal and you may fare better on the veg front.
I had so little dosh that I could not even afford the bus fare, so I walked home.
Once he even forgot the address his fare had given him and passed the destination!
有一回, 他竟自把座儿拉过了地方, 忘了人家雇到哪里!
How dost thou fare on thy feet throughpath of the sea beasts, nor fearest the sea ?
你怎么能用脚走在海兽的航道上, 对大海毫不惧怕?
Whether can Chengdu clique borrow a group to buy the fare of collection businessman ?
No free baggage allowance is granted to a passenger who is holding infant fare ticket.
Above all, in fare respect, must uniform according to fair decided fare collects fees.
It includes all the trans portation fare, the ticket fare and the accommoda tion fare.
它包括所有的交通费, 门票费和膳宿费。
Passenger fares for passengers the opportunity to start the day of the applicable fare.
The AP Trans group is focussed on its core business, Automated Fare Collection systems.
What eve is this eve, that we fare midstream? what day is today, that I fare with Prince?
In the meantime, the audience listens to the bride and bridegrooms fare not well ceremony.
Modern accounting has followed a developmental path from Laze fare to governmental regulation.
She had, of her own accord, added to the Bishop's ordinary fare a bottle of his old Mauves wine.
她在主教先生的日常食物之外, 主动加了一瓶陈年母福酒。
Taxis are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.
Fuel surcharges for disabled soldiers and children who pay half the adult fare will be unchanged.
It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that the fare's cheaper then.
Bedding is not included in the fare, but may be available for a small extra charge if booked in advance.
Besides the lower fare,upgraded seating,and additional miles,we are offering a free rental car into the bargain.

单词 fare 释义

  • 单词释义:车费,票价;餐点;出租车乘客  [更多..]



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