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单词 face 例句大全,用单词face造句:

First, sean tang face and long thin face, and the other is sour and spicy soup.
酸汤面一是面细而长, 二是汤酸而辣。
The statue have eleven face, each face represents a stage of Buddhism practice.
He suddenly makes her turn to confront him face to face and kisses her ardently.
Can be the face washed with sulfureous toilet soap when acne growing on the face?
You can be attacked astrally by them, in addition to face to face confrontations.
They're clinging to a rock face and actually scraping bacteria off that rock face.
它们会粘在岩石的表面 并从岩石表面把细菌扒下来。
It was great to meet Bruce face to face, after having written to him for so long.
His face was a face of a man drunk with fatigue and impotent rage and burning pity.
他那灰色的脸上表现着疲倦, 愤怒和怜悯。
On a share certificate or bond, the face value is what appears face of the document.
对于股票或债券而言, 面值指证券上标明的价值。
He was tall and thin, his face which looked like a horse face never appeared a smile.
She raise your face on her friend light please smile, face appeared satisfiedly look.
她扬起脸对她的朋友轻请一笑, 脸上出现了得意的神情。
In every second, my face goes to more and more apathetical, then becomes others' face.
On the boat, two couples seated face to face under the pale blue awning with flouncing.
a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.
Collagen face film can divide film of algal collagen face, ossein face film to wait for.
In addition to the school to make a face to face encounter, their lives rarely intersect.
Face of buck had not crossed cold water, buck flavour is completely inside the face so.
Climbing in cautiously at the window, he found himself standing face to face with his aunt.
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable, handle face to face of the medicament environment.
Important is the face film that should be not used pettily in the apply on the face to pass.
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment.
药剂的环境介面友爱, 处理效能稳固。
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable, handle face to face of the medicament enmmironment.
Xiners mother brought out another bowl of noodle and sat down face to face in front of Xiner.
Do not forget righteousness in face of profits, nor alter the moral principles in face of death
Controlling of rock burst in chain pillars between hydraulic mining face and drying mining face

单词 face 释义

  • 单词释义:面容;表面;脸;方面  [更多..]



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