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单词 exude 例句大全,用单词exude造句:

Put a lot of stock in dogs that exude energy, are alert and show fearlessness.
表现出力量, 警觉并且毫不畏惧的狗一定做了大量的准备。
Because I sensed many professionals often exude a presence that just seems fake.
Nevertheless, when the agency executives make the pitch, they must exude confidence.
然而, 当业务卖力推销时, 他们必须散发出无比的自信。
Early diagnosis and double seam and duration rinse exude for treatment of patients with duodenal injuries
any of various substances that exude from certain plants they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying.
任何从植物中流出的物质, 潮湿时呈凝胶状, 干燥后变硬。
Often a person will spend an obscene amount of money on a telephone in order to exude an aura of sophistication.
一个人经常会花掉大笔的钱买手机, 以此装酷炫耀。
The board of members exude a solely motivation approach, leading to a poor effect of examine and restriction scheme.

单词 exude 释义

  • 单词释义:使渗出;使流出;充分显示,显露;发出,散发  [更多..]



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