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单词 extant 例句大全,用单词extant造句:

A vague trace of the cosmology of this time may also be discerned in extant classics.
Crocodile not fish, reptiles of vertebrates, ZuLong extant insects are the offspring.
A primate of the family Hominidae, of whitch Homo sapiens is the only extant species.
Fossils can also be compared with their extant relatives to assess evolutionary changes.
化石也能与它们现存的亲属作比较, 以评价其演化变化。
It was the earliest extant monograph about etiology and pathogenesis and syndrome of TCM.
Robert Southwell. There are also a large number of extant anonymous songs from the period.
The most primitive mammals comprising the only extant members of the subclass prototheria.
A member of the genus Homo, which includes the extinct and extant species of human beings.
人人属中的一支, 它包括灭绝的及现存的人类
The cockroach is the oldest extant winged insect, dating back more than 300 million years.
蟑螂是现存最久的有翼昆虫, 已有3亿年的历史了。
The Extant Problems and its Countermeasures in the Consumption Credit of Individual Housing
The Secret History of Mongols extant was the mongolian volume spelling in Chinese syllable.
but the extant guci scores were printed in the 16th or 17th century, during the Ming Dynasty.
The General Course of Building Harmonious Socialist Economy and Drawbacks of the Extant System
This piece is one of the more unique porcelain items from the Yuan Dynasty still extant today.
整器纹饰精美, 金碧辉煌, 是元代瓷器中难得的珍品。
Family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms.
His writings are Practically all scattered and lost. or Practically none of his works are still extant.
Value Assessment and Exploitation Strategy about the Extant Ancient Chinese Gardens of Imperial Families
There were various extant blockprinted editions of it published under the Yuan and early Ming dynasties.
The main extant problem is computing speed. It is very difficult to reach real time operation at present.
It is the extant oldest and tallest and biggest tower building of timber structure both at home and abroad.
Xue Tao is said to have written aBout 500 poems, But unfortunately less than one fifth of these are extant.
Canglang Pavilion located in the Suzhou city, cang lang booth Street, is the most ancient extant Suzhou gardens.
沧浪亭位于苏州城南沧浪亭街, 是现存苏州最古的园林。
The biggest difference between those first apes and extant ones lay in their posture and means of getting around.
这批最早的猿类与现生猿最大的差异, 在体态与活动的方式。

单词 extant 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.现存的,未毁的,<古>突出的,显著的  [更多..]



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