Reportedly, Jobs thought the ER actor did a fantastic job donning the turtleneck.
Join the talented twosome and their fantastic friends on their special adventure.
I though they did an amazing and the opening and closing ceremonies were fantastic.
A special answer was given by Albert Camus from his thought of fantastic philosophy.
He is a fantastic striker anyway and at the moment he is in one of those hot spells.
他是名出色的中锋, 而且现在他是最牛的。
I guess you know about the fantastic charge of energy packed in the mass of the atom.
And usually we do a fantastic job picking and choosing what we attend to on the road.
我们通常都做得很好 能够很好的选择我们要往哪个方向开
With fantastic views, precipices and waterfalls, the valley is absolutely fascinating.
And it gives us a fantastic opportunity to actually study them, to get access to them.
The lemon zest will sort of split the milk, making a sauce, which absolutely fantastic.
柠檬汁和牛奶混合在一起, 调成酱汁, 非常美妙。
All her images of a tiny waif locked in the attic seemed suddenly foolish and fantastic.
It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.
The art achievement of A Collection of Fantastic Stories and the immortal belief of Taoism
Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastic colours and shapes.
Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.
All of the athletes rush at the terminus at a fantastic s speed as soon as the match started.
Animate the lines and the warping parameters to create fantastic backgrounds for your motion graphics.
RN You were pretty good yourself mate. Its been a fantastic, fantastic year, well done. Come on!
This is sort of a look at the skull, and it's an absolutely fantastic thing about five or six inches long.
It makes for pretty driving in the fall, as the maple foliage is fantastic. And lets not forget the apple cider.
秋季在外面驾车是非常棒的, 因为枫树叶特别的迷人的。
Fantastic, he thought, looking at the old gentleman worshipfully. I'd love to acknowledge him as my mentor right now.
He had so long practiced the habit of attempting with fantastic pronouncements to astound his friends and associates.
他常喜欢以奇炫的论调, 语惊四座。
These rings became part of the inventory for immediate purchase it also turned out to be a fantastic arrangement by God.
这些多出来的戒指便变成了现货, 可即时请购。
Fantastic speaking full of page, Written with bitter tears, Everyone thinks the author mad, But who know the spirit of it?
The most fantastic part of the circus performance is of Giant Pandas, and its clumsy and funny motion amused the whole audience.