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单词 fanciful 例句大全,用单词fanciful造句:

With animal, insect and human a fanciful dream awakens new concoctions of aesthetic wild.
而动物, 昆虫和人类得多样特性, 追求唯美而狂野得融合。
A craze for classification and nomenclature superceded the ingenious or fanciful systems.
A fairy tale is a story relating the adventures of fanciful beings who appear in human form.
No matter what happens, I refuse to curse any fanciful illusion I indulged in as a little boy.
They offered a reasoned approach in place of the fanciful and uncritical accounts of the poets.
In his ardent eyes the fanciful, lofty joy he experienced was something precious to the extreme.
这种快乐,在他的眼里竟然带了一种空幻的 崇高的性质。
It was this constant conversion of my fanciful ambition into these practical moneymaking ventures.
Jefferson was the first to use the symbol in relation to the U.S. dollar, but this story is fanciful.
And in human life and human culture that is not a playful, fanciful conceit it is a real veritable fact. Malcolm J. McLeod.
The plot might seem fanciful, but for Park, who was raised in rural Lancashire, Chicken Run comes close to a childhood memoir.

单词 fanciful 释义

  • 单词释义:(指人)富于幻想的;(指物)设计或装饰新颖奇特的;奇怪的,稀奇的;不现实  [更多..]



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