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单词 extinguisher 例句大全,用单词extinguisher造句:

I keep a box of tools a fire extinguisher in my car for use in emergency.
我在车中放了工具箱和灭火器, 以备紧急之需。
The men succeeded in beating out the fire aimed a fire extinguisher at me.
While handling flammable solvents, ensure the fire extinguisher is nearby.
在处理易燃性的溶剂时, 要确保旁边有灭火器。
You can use the hydrant or the extinguisher in the corridor to put out a fire.
We've installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case there is ever a fire.
At a furiously rising noon, I gazed deeply at the fire extinguisher on the wall.
愤怒升起来的日午, 我凝视着墙上的灭火机。
Every home should have a fire extinguisher which conforms with British standards.
Another inmate immediately continues to pound the glass with a fire extinguisher.
The flying instructor had run 300 meters carrying a fire extinguisher to the scene.
Outlet total pressure and volume flow are the main indexes of a pneumatic extinguisher.
I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me.
但那个傻瓜霍斯特 把灭火器对准了我。
Look, this extinguisher has been expired for one year and is useless. it should be replaced.
Learn what distance to use a fire extinguisher from a fire marshal in this free safety video.
This equipment mainly fills all kinds of extinguisher, which use nitrogen as the driving body.
Consider installing a fire extinguisher and fire blanket which is easily accessible in the kitchen.
Students were very enthusiastic, one by one carried on the fire fighting with the fire extinguisher.
Utility approach on fire Water spray extinguisher system for fuel equipment house in high rise building
A discussion of using color rings on portable fire extinguisher for identifying the applicable class of fire hazards
The evacuation of fire position of the staff, at the same time organizations use the fire extinguisher to extinguish.
即疏散起火位置的人员, 同时组织人员用灭火器扑救。

单词 extinguisher 释义

  • 单词释义:熄火者;消火者;消火器;熄火器  [更多..]



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