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单词 existing 例句大全,用单词existing造句:

The existing 84metre overrun tunnel for the Airport Railway is acceptable for the current service level.
A Study on the Errors Existing in Measurement and Reconstruction of Nearfield Planar Acoustic Holography
Existing hydropower stations4, corn starch plant, ferroalloy plant, acetylene plant, a brick factory all.
The current situation, existing problems and adaptable measures in public notice system of forest cutting
林木采伐公示制现状, 存在问题及其对策
Entertain prospects and existing key accounts with the view to sustain business and generate further sales
The Problems Existing in the Current Financial Accounting of the Housing Accumulation Fund and Countermeasures
Investigation of the Existing Conditions of Aba Teachers College StudentsMental Health and Countermeasures Hereof
But first, both companies will have to either acquire or form partnerships with existing broadband cable networks.
The utility model solves the problem of the fume mixture of a corridor generally existing in the existing building.
abstract Reactive oxygen species is the normal metabolic products of organism, but the existing of it has two sides.
活性氧是机体正常的代谢产物, 但其存在具有两面性。
It is essential to mobilize additional and new resources to protect investments already made in existing programmes.
abstract BACKGROUND The existing experimental results showed that cholera toxin can induce dendritic cell maturation.
Largest existing gold nugget sells at auction for 400, 000 Largest existing gold nugget sells at auction for 400, 000
Strategic frameworks should continue to adapt to local conditions and strive to avoid duplication of existing efforts.
Building new technologies is easier and cheaper than adding retrofits to existing infrastructure, the scientists said.
科学家表示, 建立新技术比翻新既有的设备更简单且便宜。
There may be an existing business glossary for one or more existing systems or one may defined by an industry standard.
In the existing accomplishments, There are many researches about strategy choice, but few on the generative of strategy.
在已有的研究中, 学习策略择用研究多, 策略生成研究少
Controlled blasting of stone work and unit price analysis for the construction of second track added to the existing one
This paper summarized the acoustic characteristics of whispered speech and introduces existing whispered speech corpuses.
Application for contract renewal will normally be accepted within four weeks prior to the expiry of the existing contract.
This paper analyzes several existing problems on the switching power supply for the relay protection in the actual running.
These topics have all been adequately discussed in a number of existing texts and in others which will be available shortly.
Regarding how to confirm the principle of liability on product damage liability in China, there are many disputes existing in academic circles.
Vestergaard acknowledges that this could be much higher if the toll was lower, but says the price was set to avoid killing the existing ferry business.
Instead of attempting to adapt existing aircraft designs for a role they were never intended to fulfill, the technicians at Procyon designed the banshee from scratch.

单词 existing 释义



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