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单词 exhibit 例句大全,用单词exhibit造句:

People exhibit the most interest and motivation when the challenge is in the intermediate range.
然而, 当处于挑战中时, 人们应该投注大量的兴趣和动力。
And the first object people see walking into the exhibit is an abacus from the eighteen hundreds.
The symptoms patients first exhibit include numbness, tingling or aching in the forearm and hand.
But first we look at an exhibit in Washington that celebrates the art of wood turning and carving.
但首先我们看一个在华盛顿的展览, 庆祝木转弯和雕刻艺术。
These types of gamblers exhibit high levels of harm avoidance, social distancing and alcohol abuse.
Yesterday I went to an exhibit on the worldwide achievement of the civil use of nuclear technology.
The works not only exhibit the traditional essences in art, but reflects the pursuit of modern art.
In contrast, undifferentiated carcinomas rarely exhibit structurally altered tumor suppressor genes.
Politicians and diplomats frequently exhibit these characteristics when dealing with foreign affairs.
Polyesters exhibit better nonyellowing properties than epoxies, but not as good as aliphatic urethanes.
The ionomer exhibit certain emulsifying property and water absorbency. The oil resistance is not so good.
Government should never censor the artistic works or historical displays that a museum wishes to exhibit.
Refer to Meeting Notice for detailed information of meeting reception, accommodation, and exhibit consign.
Many dogs yapped and barked, but none appeared to exhibit extraordinary signs of pending natural disaster.
The parties representatives acknowledge this is Exhibit 1 to the Formal Instrument of Agreement dated 2006.
Traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy exhibit delicate painting and handwriting from home and abroad.
The Imjingang and Ogcheon belts do not exhibit any metamorphic characteristics of collisional orogenic belts.
The actual stresses do not exhibit the discontinuity of slope at the centre indicated by the elementary theory.
At this point orchid exhibit in light of, partial orchid peddles the behavior that peddle a holiday very abominable.
就此届兰展来看, 部分兰贩贩假行为十分恶劣。
Aryl substituted polyacetylenes and their derivatives exhibit a lot of novel optical, electric, magnetic properties.
At the center rests the dying ember of the core of the star.Planetary nebulae can exhibit amazing and intricate structures.
These fats also contain appreciable amounts of fully saturated triacylglycerols and exhibit relatively high melting points.
Every science has one or more periods of time when it seems to burst its bounds and exhibit an extraordinary pattern of growth.
Thick, large and lenticular orebodies exhibit the stratabound charater, and there is appreciable difference in density between orebodies and country rocks.
矿体呈厚大扁豆状, 具层控特征, 且矿体和围岩密度差别较大。
Some toxins exhibit distinctly antimicrobial activity, and some toxins of toadstool showed inhibition and killing activity to some pests and microorganisms.

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