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单词 experienced 例句大全,用单词experienced造句:

Three experienced cases abut treatment with syndrome differentiation of Post Partum disease
You know, the performance of many socalled experienced actors could be very horrible indeed!
因为有很多有经验的演员, 他们的演出其实都几可怕的!
Perhaps you have experienced one or more of these curses of the analytical thinker yourself.
Five years ago, I experienced a bit of what it must have been like to be Alice in Wonderland.
五年前,我曾有过一个 有如漫游爱丽丝仙境的经历。
Had the harvest to afterward somewhat the general meeting, you rushed at least have experienced.
到后来多多少少总会有收获, 至少你闯了经历过。
In the world We have experienced the plunders by other nations, and we have experienced the war.
At the same time, government experienced the rise of bureaucratization and the administrative state.
同时, 政府经历了官僚化和行政州的风险。
Postoperative complications such as bowel leak age, bleeding, abdominal infection were not experienced.
The scenes where she talks with the invisible ghosts perfectly illustrate experienced acting capability.
Prediction accuracy obtained by this system is much better than that obtained by an experienced operator.
Working knowledge of computerized accounting system, it will prefer if experienced in Fourth Shift system.
Normal airconditioning supply, projection equipment, experienced projectionist and basic ushering service.
When just beginning experienced all the more, drilled the waist aches, what method lets it ache get dub
The employee that acting experienced company attracts is more, more dangerous instead to obtain employment.
代练公司吸引的员工越多, 对就业反而越危险。
Nevertheless Wang Feng expresses, he is experienced in10 years of jobs of golden hill aeon is unforgettable.
It has been unavoidable, and now even crucial, for Singapore to absorb experienced professionals from abroad.
Settle and follow up payment service providers, processing claim adjustment. Experienced in manufactures service.
Two days after discharge the patient experienced intense itching all over the body , anxiety and severe insomnia.
出院两天后, 患者出现全身明显瘙痒, 焦虑和严重失眠。
The thermal stress experienced by workers in eighteen hot environments was analyzed by using a heat exchange method.
A second analyst performing a retest should be at least as experienced and qualified in the method as the original analyst.
The principle of a quantitative correlation between external stimulus, neural activity and experienced sensation remains intact.
Before conference of abide by justice, the party experienced exploration of hard and labyrinthian ground on intellectual problem.
Acting experienced company resembles juicer, enrol a batch of people to come in, without giving thought to, bleed white hind desertions.
A good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced.
We have even run into challenges that others never experienced. We cannot afford to slacken our efforts in the slightest if we are to live up the peoples trust and expectations.

单词 experienced 释义

  • 单词释义:有经验的;老练的  [更多..]



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