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单词 falter 例句大全,用单词falter造句:

State and local government spending will suffer at tax revenues falter.
Trembling with shock, she managed to falter out a few wordds of thanks.
Heart rates could falter depending on what kind of exercise youre doing.
As a result, growth may falter, even as the US begins to pull itself up.
因此, 即便美国开始自救, 但增长仍有可能动摇。
Don't falter in your resolve, or you will miss the chance in a lifetime.
Tragically, many peace efforts falter from the outbreak of local conflicts.
His voice began to falter at the mention of his sufferings in the old days.
You'll encounter obstacles, and falter and fall. Just get up and keep going.
One of some expect they can learn the lines by heart so they'll never falter.
有人觉得他们能把他们的台词背下来, 绝对不会临场结巴的。
Whenever fear comes in and makes us falter, we are in danger of falling into sin.
Twenty years insistence and obsession turned into dusts in face of sudden falter.
二十年坚持与执着, 在瞬息的动摇面前, 化作了尘土。
They would rather all perish in the common ruin than fail or falter in their duty.
One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter.
Upon this tower you must stand, and should your will falter, from it you will fall.
在这座塔上, 你必须站稳, 如果有一丝犹豫, 你就会摔下去。
The enemy is upon us. We must be brave, we must not falter, hold steady, hold steady.
敌人接近了。我们必须勇敢, 不要害怕, 坚守阵地。
One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have to cause to falter.
Those who taste instant success usually falter quickly in the aftermath of their luck.
My part is hidden form me. It is already laid before your feet, You cannot falter now.
This caused the industry to falter several times, before the credit was renewed again.
We cannot afford to falter any further on the agreed development commitments and goals.
Net imports of capital will falter, forcing countries with big deficits to cut spending.
As long as the temple stood upright, the nations hope would not falter even for one day.
When the authority of fathers begins to falter, political power generally collapses, as well.
The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down.
Eventually, however, the quality of their work begins to falter in a predictable but vicious circle.
然而, 最终他们工作的质量却在预料中成恶性循环下滑。

单词 falter 释义

  • 单词释义:(嗓音)颤抖;支吾其词;蹒跚;摇晃  [更多..]



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