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单词 familiar 例句大全,用单词familiar造句:

To be familiar with phonics, know how to read and write the words according to the phonics.
熟悉音标, 会根据音标念出和写出单字。
General Ledger accounting experience and familiar with ImportExport business is preferable.
Familiar with mould designing and injection process, adjust injection machine is proffered.
But people aren't familiar with the eye of a needle apart from putting a thread through it.
The reload with the appropriate file overwrite it to return to a familiar work environment.
That familiar warmth, looks like the angel the wing, has delimited on my boundless heart.
Familiar with the customs, commodity inspection procedure and abnormal transaction processing.
熟悉海关, 商检流程及异常事务处理。
A Study of Acquisition of Receptive and Productive Knowledge of Highly Familiar Polysemous Words
I am familiar with kinds of ion exchange resins, active carbon, carclazyte adsorption and so on.
To be familiar with pathologic and clinical features of adrenal cortical hyperplasia and tumors.
People familiar with the matter said that an official announcement could come as early as today.
知情人士说, 正式公告最早可能在今天发布。
In fact, a head of state that you're all familiar with admitted this to me. And it's really true.
你们熟悉的一位国家首脑 向我承认。并且那是事实。
Be familiar with checked operation regulations, be familiar with instrument using and maintenance.
The familiar essay in Chinese language in Macao is an important branch of the essay field in Macao.
Familiar with the financial and sales from procurement to the various financial accounting processes.
You will become familiar with accounting debits and credits as we show you how to record transactions.
Be familiar with the import and export procedures, all the agency agreements, contracts and other documents.
The Maintain Method and Amelioration of the Liquid Sandblasting Machine in Allusion to Most Familiar Failure
The concepts of deterrence against state actors are familiar, though not in a world of multiple nuclear powers.
威慑的概念对国家行为者所熟悉, 但在世界多个核大国。
Anyone who has relied on metrics for customer acquisition will be familiar with some variant of the funnel above.
Know well on CNC machine programming, adjusting, operating and repairing. Familiar AB, Fanuc or Cincinnati controls.
Simply analyzing the burying points, familiar failures and preventive measures about acoustic pipe of the bored pile.
Since the birth of his child in recent years, he has adopted an even lower profile, people familiar with the matter said.
知情人士说, 几年前他的孩子出生后, 他变得更低调了。
During last few years, sufferers of cervical vert ebra disease were very familiar, especially the middle age and aged people.
在临床中颈椎疾病并非少见, 尤其是中老年人发病率较高。
Reading can acquaint you, that means to make you understand, to make you familiar with the subtlety and beauty of the language.
阅读可以使你领略到语言的美, 并且沉醉其中。

单词 familiar 释义

  • 单词释义:熟悉的;通晓;随便的;过分亲昵的  [更多..]



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