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单词 fallow 例句大全,用单词fallow造句:

Alternate strips planted to crops each year serve as windbreaks for the fallow strip.
Shoe lying fallow in cleaning treasure or beat, doing have to sell the sex point mouth ?
在淘宝或者拍拍, 有没有卖男性尖嘴休闲鞋?
China of Hainan transports the triumphant giant hotel of fields lying fallow in rotation
Effect the Culture Lying Fallow and the Informatization Face to Face Common Library Build
Planting of Bromus carticus in the Winter Fallow Field and Technique of Raising Black Goat
If youre lucky, you might spot the small herd of Fallow and Red deer that live in the park.
幸运的话, 你就会欣赏到公园里马鹿的休闲活动。
In order to have a better harvest next year, the farmers are letting the fields lie fallow.
为了来年收成更好, 农民们正在修耕。
a farmer with a robust harvest might help out a neighbor whose fields had been more fallow.
Army green the trousers lying fallow match tangerine red colour outer garment being in a fix
Windbreaking Effect of Various Conservation Tillage Measures during Fallow Period of Cropland
There followed something of a fallow period professionally, until a job came up in the summer.
ASH farming burnbeating burning Cutting and burning rough fallow on land to prepare for tillage.
Water Availability for Winter Wheat Affected by Summer Fallow Tillage Practices in Sloping Dryland
The Exploration and Utilization of Summer Fallow Lands in Semiarid Irrigated Area in South Ningxia
Relation between sports for lie fallow and life long physical education in colleges and universities
Pluralistic sports needs satisfied people, the equalling driving the sports service lying fallow melts.
I felt like the soil on some desperate sharecropper's farm, sorely overworked and needing a fallow season.
The park has a herd of24 fallow deer, which are kept in a large enclosure on the western side of the park.
Our prouducts are applicable widely for various firlds of villa, gardens, outdoors fallow, port, bridge etc.
The bar provides the comfortable parlor mild and fragrant to you then relaxed lying fallow being pleased space.
When making, should notice to make the drape of chair cover a few shorter, ability appears simple and lie fallow.
制作时要注重使椅套的褶皱短一些, 才能显得简单而休闲。
This tillage practice was done by farmers to control weeds and conserve moisture during the fallow period before the wheat crop.
Astral new company uses newest science and technology at lying fallow health substance facilities produces research and development.
An Analysis of Climatological Possibility for Developing Summer Fallow Lands in Practising Multiple Cropping System on the Loess Plateau in Northwest China

单词 fallow 释义

  • 单词释义:n.休耕地;adj.[农]休耕的,未孕的,潜伏发,不活跃的;vt.使(土地)休闲,休整,潜伏(指潜在的特征等)  [更多..]



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