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单词 false 例句大全,用单词false造句:

Revelation Drawn from the Scandal of the False Accounting Case of Some U.S Major Companies
What the paper tell you about the number of false negative and false positive screening test
这篇文章告诉你关于筛查结果的假阴和假阳数据是? ?
The problem for the philosophers was: how to prove the generally accepted notion to be false.
There is the case where a certain person, abandoning false speech, abstains from false speech.
某个人离于谎言, 戒绝了谎言。
The false and distorted accounting information in accounting practice is shocking to the public.
在会计工作中, 虚假及歪曲的会计信息让社会公众触目惊心。
They took longer to reject metaphors as false than they did to reject literally false sentences.
他们要花更长的时间才能把包含暗喻的句子 从中挑出来。
The Choice of False Fingernails for the Guzheng Should Be Various in Accordance With Music Styles
Fighting against false is always a kind of group behaving, including fighting against false news.
Matthews struggled briefly with his conscience before making the false entries in the accounts book.
Discussion of Calculating Method for False Positive Rate and False Negative Rate in Diagnostic Tests
As a result, Dr Hartung estimates that false positives could outweigh false negatives 75 times over.
最终, 哈尔顿博士估计假阳性将超出假阴性达七十五倍之多。
A chartered accountant will be held for infringement when issuing false capital verification reports.
The cashier struggled briefly with her conscience before making the false entries in the accounts book.
Here one premise is true and the other is false and the conclusion is false. That seems to be valid as well.
一个前提为真, 另一个为假, 结论为假, 这看起来有效。
The electron microscope inspections can accurately discriminate the true lotus root starch from the false one.
This country is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future.
On the Legal Responsibilities Assumed by Accounting Firms When They check the Investment and Issue a False Report
To carry out the work of fighting against the false in accounting and ensure the reality of accounting information
Note that you can tweak how the error is calculated if you want to punish false positives more than false negatives.
注意你能够调整误差计算, 以给假阳性比假阴性更多的惩罚。
This is one of the categories for the false preset of pragmatics, i. E. The unintentional false preset of pragmatics.
这是虚假语用预设中的一种, 即非故意虚假语用预设。
Distorted accounting information in fixed assets is one of the important tasks in fighting against the accounting false.
He applied for the machinist's job under false colours because he has absolutely no experience of handling machine tools.
When two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?
The paper says further research is required into interview techniques and conditions under which false memories and reports of abuse are most likely to arise.
False memories can be induced under hypnosis, and experiments have indicated it is possible, although difficult, to implant false memories of entire events by suggestion.

单词 false 释义

  • 单词释义:虚伪的;不正的,非法的;假造的,摹造的;临时的  [更多..]



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