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单词 fact 例句大全,用单词fact造句:

A material fact is one which would influence the acceptance or assessment of the risk.
This fact beyond question, for various countries military observer general acceptance.
这是不争事实, 为各国军事观察家普遍认同。
However a hundred flowers bloom is no longer mentioned and has, in fact, been abandoned.
可是, 现在百花齐放不提了, 没有了, 这就是割裂。
Judicial View on Case Closed with Matter Resolved and Acceptability of Adjudicative Fact
In fact, the first group were absolutely correct in their estimation of this man's height.
The earth moves around the sun and the moon around the earth, a universally accepted fact.
It was an accepted fact anyone who lingered there after midnight was usually up to no good.
In fact, hotheaded stock investors make better decisions Academy of Management Journal showed.
They exploit the fact that the formation of excitons alters a material's absorption properties.
The academic record by the fact that I make great efforts assiduously, always comes out on top.
通过我刻苦努力的学习, 成绩一直名列前茅
and helping to uncover the strange fact that the expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating.
As a matter of fact, many exceptional people do not necessarily have an impressive academic background.
OK, so, in fact, what Kepler's second law says is that the acceleration is parallel to the position vector.
所以, 开普勒第二定律说, 加速度平行于位置矢量。
However,the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom is no longer mentioned and has,in fact,been abandoned.
Consider the problem in the abstract, ie as if it had no relation to any specific object, person, fact, etc.
Madame Magloire had, in fact, only placed the three sets of forks and spoons which were absolutely necessary.
In fact, however, many scholars in academia tend to ignore Norths reinterpretation of Institutional Change.
In fact, that such a move was sure to generate controversy probably contributed to Abbotts decision to pursue it.
But in fact, absorbs the person right amount moisture content to reduce the body fingernail to be very also important.
而实际上, 摄人适量的水分对减轻体爪也十分重要。
I continued reminding myself that it was not a fact but a illusion that I crashed through the guardrail into the abysm.
我一温遍地提醒自己冲出护栏坠入深渊只是幻觉, 不是事实。
The fact transformed his character thoroughly The fact that his health began to fail transformed his character thoroughly.
他的健康状况开始恶化, 这彻底改变了他的性格。
The fact that the following moment I abstained from lifting my arm did not prove that I could have abstained from lifting it.
在那个时刻之后, 我不再举起胳膊, 并不是证明我能不举它。
In fact, the legend is always legend, the golden urn with the weir cylinder In fact, without the slightest relationship.
and that they were in fact much, much more interconnected, and that, in fact, some of the way that the gay rights movement has been able.
The fact that hydrogen can accelerate the hydrogenation of DHN is thought to be the main reason for its inhibiting action on the dehydrogenation of tetralin.

单词 fact 释义

  • 单词释义:事实;真相;资料  [更多..]



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