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单词 gunmen 例句大全,用单词gunmen造句:

All the family members were thrown into awestruck silence under the threat of the gunmen.
The couple were shot when three gunmen hijacked their car, even though they did not resist.
This is the brother of the victim who was also in the pickup. The gunmen left him unharmed.
Gunmen posing as soldiers, near the military vehicle convoy opened fire, causing casualties.
枪手冒充军人, 靠近军车车队开枪射击, 造成伤亡。
Gunmen in Gaza entered aid agencies, hotels and news offices looking for Westerners to kidnap.
持枪暴徒冲进援助机构, 馆和新闻机构寻找西方人进行绑架。
Another time, Tou Mali sent his chief gunmen with a couple of henchmen to ambush the Field Mouse.
The trucks tried to drive to the British base, running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen.
Some witnesses said the gunmen who deliberately put Americans and British charge for the hostages.
一些目击者说, 那些枪手刻意把美国人和英国人押为人质。
There were also explosions at the Oberoi hotel and firing at a hospital where gunmen were surrounded.
Finally, the gunmen Kartman machine under the direction of the successful landing to abdominal machine.

单词 gunmen 释义

  • 单词释义:枪手,持枪的歹徒,制造枪械者;持枪者,持枪歹徒( gunman的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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